1842. Adulteration of candy. U. S. v. Cbarles O. McAfee and Joe B. Hill (McAfee Candy Co. and Liberty Candy Co.). Pleas İf nolo contendere. De- fendants placed on probation for 1 year. (F. D. C. No. 2946. Sample Nos. 20095-E to 20097-E, incl., 20300-E, 20481-E, 20498-E, 20903-E, 20904-E, 20906-E to 20908-E, incl., 37425-E.) Examination of the"x?andies involved in this case showed that they were con- taminated with rodent hairs and insect fragments. On June 25,1941, the United States attorney for the Middle District of Georgia filed a libel against Charles O. McAfee and Joe B. Hill, copartners, trading as the McAfee Candy Co. and Liberty Candy Co., at Macon, Ga., alleging shipment from the State of Georgia into the States of North Carolina and South Carolina, within the period from on or about July 2 to on or about October 1,1940, of quantities of candy that was adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a filthy substance; and in that it had been prepared under insanitary conditions whereby it might have become contaminated with filth. The article was labeled in part: "Nut Loaf Chocolate Nut Roll [or "Georgia Nut Boll," "Cocoanut Hay Stax," "Old-Fashioned Peanut Brittle," "50 Tops," "Hot Shot 54," "Magic Bar Candy," "Peanut Delight Candy," "Pie Face," "Goody Joe 50," "Cocoanut Delights Choco- late 54" "50 Butter Log," "Simply Nuts," "Big Boy 54," or "Cocoanut Delight Candy"] * * * Liberty Candy Co. Macon Ga."; and "Peanut Squares [or "Jumbo Peanut Bar" or "If Big Apple Suckers"] * * * McAfee Candy Co. Macon, Ga." On June 25,1941, the defendants having entered pleas of nolo contendere, they were placed on probation for 1 year.