1404. Adulteration of corn meal and pancake flour. TT. S. v. 17 and 13 Cases of Corn Meal* and 5 and 5 Cases of Pancake Flour. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. Nos. 3273, 3274. Sample Nos. 32286-E to 822S3-E, incl.) On October 24, 1940, the United States attorney for the District of Arizona filed a libel against 30 cases of corn meal and 10 cases of pancake flour at Tucson, Ariz., alleging that the articles had been shipped in Interstate commerce on or about September 22, 1939, by the Pillsbury Flour Mills Co. from Spring- field, HL; and charging that they were adulterated in that they consisted in whole or in part of filthy substances. The articles were labeled variously: "Pillsbury's White Com Meal"; "Yellow Com Meal"; "Pancake Flour"; or "Buckwheat Wheat and Corn Pancake Flour." On December 13,1940, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the products were ordered destroyed.