1122. Adulteration of perch. U. S. v. 110 Boxes of Perch Fillets. Default decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 2470. Sample No. 30542-E.) Examination showed the presence of parasitized fish in this shipment. On August 2, 1940, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois filed a libel against 110 boxes of perch fillets at Chicago, Ill., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about July 24, 1940, by Mantia & Sons from Boston, Mass.; and charging that it was adulter- ated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a filthy and decomposed sub- stance. The article was labeled in part: "Georges Bank Brand Fish * * * Perch Fillets." On October 21, 1S40, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation was entered and the product was ordered destroyed.