1056. Adulteration of butter. U. S. v. George I. Southard and Mrs. Emma South¬ ard (Pickwick Creamery). Pleas of guilty. Imposition of sentence suspended. Defendants placed on probation for 18 months. (F. D. C. No. 2869. Sample No. 14604-E.) On January 28, 1941, the United States attorney for the District of Minnesota filed an information against G. I. Southard and Mrs. Emma Southard, copart- ners, trading as the Pickwick Creamery at Lamoille, Minn., alleging shipment on or about May 29, 1940, from the State of Minnesota into the State of Pennsylvania of a quantity of butter that was adulterated. It was labeled in part: "Frank Hellerick Co., Inc., Phila., Pa." The article was alleged to be adulterated in that a valuable constituent, milk fat, had been in part omitted therefrom; and in that a product containing less than 80 percent by weight of milk fat had been substituted for butter. On January 28, 1941, pleas of guilty having been entered by the defendants, imposition of sentence was suspended and they were placed on probation for 18 months.