Adulteration of flour. TI. S. v. OS Sacks of Flour. Default decree of con- demnation and destruction. (F. D. C. No. 352. Sample No. 60857-D.) On August 2, 1939, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of )uisiaua filed a libel against 98 sacks of flour at New Orleans, La., alleging that e article had been shipped in interstate commerce by Majestic Flour Mills om Aurora, Mo., on or aboat June 17, 1939; and that it was adulterated in that consisted wholly or in part of a filthy vegetable substance. It was labeled in irt: "Bleached Flour * » * Winner." On October 19, 1939, no claimant having appeared, judgment of condemnation as entered and the product was ordered destroyed.