30081. Adulteration and misbranding of flour. U. S. v. 25 Bags of Flour (and 2 other seizure actions against the same product). Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. (F. & D. Nos. 43498, 43550, 43551, 44052. Sample Nos. 37648-D, 38046-D, 38086-D, 38208-D.) · This product, which had been shipped in interstate commerce and remained unsold and in the original packages at the time of examination, was found to be insect-infested. It also was bleached but was not labeled to indicate that fact. On August 31, September 3, and October 3, 1938, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, acting upon reports by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court libels praying seizure and condemnation of 75 bags of flour at New Orleans, La.; alleging that the article had been shipped in part on or about .July 19, 1938, and in part on or about August 8, 1938, by Midland Flour Milling Co. from Blackwell, Okla.; and charging adulteration and misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. A portion of the article was labeled in part: "Harina Lealtad Newton Milling & Elevator Co., Newton, Kans." The remainder was labeled in part: "Harina De Trigo Duro Osiris [or "Town Crier Flour"] The Midland Flour Milling Co. Kansas City." The article was alleged to be adulterated in that bleached flour had been substituted wholly or in part for it, and in that it consisted wholly or in part of a filthy vegetable substance. It was alleged to be misbranded in that the statements on the labels, ''Harina," "Harina De Trigo Duro" ( Spanish terms which mean flour and hard wheat flour, respectively), and "Flour," were false and misleading and tended to deceive and mislead the purchaser when applied to bleached fl.our. On November 11, 1938, no claimant having appeared, judgments of condemnation were entered and the product was ordered destroyed.