29083. Adulteration of Emulsol-M (frozen eggs). U. S. v. Rothenberg & Schneider Bros., Inc. Plea of nolo contendere. Fine. $35 and costs. (F. & D. No. 40775. Sample No. 8858-C.) Samples of this product were found to be decomposed. On February 23, 1938, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court an information against Rothenberg & Schneider Bros., Inc., alleging that on or about July 2 and July 7, 1936, the defendant sold and delivered to the Emulsol Corporation, Chicago, Ill., quantities of Emulsol-M under a guaranty that the product complied with the Federal Food and Drugs Act; that on or about January 19, 1937, a quantity of the said article, in the identical condition as when so sold and guaranteed, was shipped in interstate commerce by the Emulsol Corporation from the State of Illinois into the State of New York; and that the article was adulterated in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. It was labeled in part: "Emulsol-M * * * The Emulsol Corporation * * * Chicago, Ill." The article was alleged to be adulterated in that it consisted in whole and in part of a decomposed and putrid animal substance. On April 11, 1938, a plea of nolo contendere was entered on behalf of the defendant and the court imposed a fine of $35 and costs. HARRY L. BROWN,. Acting Secretary of Agriculture.