27260. Misbranding of Zo-Ro-Lo. V. S. v. 22 Bottles of Zo-Ro-Lo. Decree of forfeiture and destruction. (F. & D. no. 34846. Sample no. 19792-C.) The label of this product contained false and fraudulent curative and thera- peutic claims. On January 15, 1935, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 22 bottles of Zo-Ro-Lo at Covington, Ky., transported by J. C. Brewer from Cincinnati, Ohio, November 26, 1934, alleging that it had been transported in interstate commerce from Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and charging misbranding in violation of the Pood and Drugs Act as amended. Analysis of a sample showed that the article consisted essentially of Epsom salt (24 grams per 100 milliliters), glycerin, and small proportions of citric acid, benzoic acid, and menthol, colored red. It was alleged to be misbranded in that the following statements regarding its therapeutic and curative effects, borne on the bottle label, were false and fraud- ulent : "Zo-Ro-Lo * * * Zo-Ro-Lo, Inc. Laboratories, Ada, Ohio, * * * A Scientific Preparation designed to aid Nature in the Treatment of Many Ailments Which are Traceable to Intestinal Auto-Intoxication * * * 'Remove The Cause Nature Will Do The Rest' * * * Directions For the first dose take three to four tablespoonsful followed by a full glass of water, preferably before breakfast. Should elimination of the bowels not begin in three to four hours, repeat this dose until the bowels function freely (copious, watery stool). Take this amount for three consecutive mornings and then take night and morning in doses decreased to such amount as may be required to promote copious elimina- tion daily. Should the stomach rebel against the before-breakfast doses, take after eating. Children should be given Zo-Ro-Lo in doses proportionate to age. This is the average dosage and must be varied according to the individual require- ments of each person. The amount, frequency and best time of day to take Zo-Ro-Lo are best determined by varying the doses slightly from time to time until free elimination is obtained. * * * contains no * * * hannful drugs." On December 3, 1935, Zo-Ro-Lo, Inc., Ada, Ohio, filed an intervening petition and on April 25, 1936, the Government filed a demurrer to the intervenor's peti- ction. On May 6, 1937, the court sustained the Government's demurrer and ordered that the product be forfeited and destroyed. H. A. WAIJLA.CE, Secretary of Agriculture.