26817. Adulteration of Elixir Quinine, Iron & Strychnine E. D. C, Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 Grain, Compressed Tablets Strych- nine Sulphate 1/40 Grain, Compressed Tablets Migraine, and Com- pressed Tablets Acetanilide & Salol; Misbranding of Compressed Tab- lets Antiseptic (Gumston) and Compressed Tablets Acetphenetldin and Salol; and adulteration and misbranding of Compressed Tablets Acid Arsenous. IT. S. v. Elmira Drug: &¦ Chemical Co., a corporation. Plea of guilty. Fine, $675. (F. & D. no. 33881. Sample nos. 41925-A, 48533-A, 55586-A, 58631-A, 58636-A, 58642-A, 58646-A, 58647-A, 59036-A.) One of these articles failed to conform to formulary standard; five of them were inferior to their professed standards, and the labels of these five and of two others bore erroneous statements. On July 8, 1935, the United States attorney for the Western District of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court an information against the Elmira Drug & Chemical Co., a corporation, Elmira, N. Y., alleging shipments by said corporation, in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended, in the period from April 15 to October 12, 1933, from Elmira, N. Y., to various places in Pennsylvania, of quantities of Elixir Quinine, Iron & Strychnine E. D. C, Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 Grain, Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/40 Grain, Com- pressed Tablets Migraine, Compressed Tablets Acetanilide & Salol, Com- pressed Tablets Antiseptic (Gumston), Compressed Tablets Acetphenetidin and Salol, and Compressed Tablets Acid Arsenous, some of which were adulterated, others were misbranded, and one was both adulterated and mis- branded. The articles were labeled in part: (Jug) "Elixir Quinine, Iron & Strychnine E. D. C. Each fluid ounce represents: Iron & Quinine Citrate 8 grs."; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate * * * Each Tablet Rep- resents: 1/30 Grains"; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate * * * Each Tablet Represents: 1/40 Grains"; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Migraine Each tablet represents Acetanilide 2 gr. Caffeine Citrate 1-2 gr."; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Acetanilide & Salol * * * Salol 2-1/2 Grs."; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Antiseptic (Gumston) * * * Mercury Cya- nide 7-1/2 Grs."; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Acetphenetidin and Salol Each Tablet Represents * * * Salol 2 1-2 gr."; (bottle) "Compressed Tablets Acid Arsenous * * * Acid Arsenous 1/60 Gr." Analyses showed that the Elixir Quinine, Iron & Strychnine E. D. C. contained not more than 0.25 gram of anhydrous alkaloids per 100 cubic centimeters and no chlorides; that the Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 Grain contained not more than 0.027 grain of strychnine sulphate each; that the Com- pressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/40 Grain contained not more than 0.021 grain of strychnine sulphate each; that the Compressed Tablets Migraine con- tained not more than 1.81 grains of acetanilide, and not less than 0.56 grain of caffeine citrate each; that the Compressed Tablets Acetanilide & Salol con- tained not to exceed 2.21 grains of salol per tablet; that the Compressed Tablets Antiseptic (Gumston) contained not less than 10.03 grains of mercury cyanide each; that the Compressed Tablets Acetphenetidin and Salol contained not more than 2.13 grains of salol each; that the Compressed Tablets Acid Arsenous contained not more than 0.014 grain of arsenous acid each. The Elixir Quinine, Iron & Strychnine E. D. C. was alleged to be adulterated in that it was sold under a name recognized in the National Formulary and differed from the standard of strength, quality, and purity as determined by the test laid down in the formulary in that (a) it yielded less than the num- ber of grams of anhydrous quinine per 100 cubic centimeters required by the formulary standard; (b) it contained no ferric citrochloride and no quinine hydrochloride; and (c) it contained iron and quinine citrate, an ingredient not provided by the formulary for this product, and the standard of strength and quality of the article was not declared on its container. The Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 Grain were alleged to be adulterated in that their strength and purity fell below the professed standard under which they were sold, in that each tablet contained less than one- thirtieth of a grain of strychnine sulphate, to wit, not more than 0.027 grain, that is, one thirty-seventh of a grain thereof. The Compressed Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 3/40 Grain were alleged to be adulterated in that their strength and purity fell below the professed standard under which they were sold, in that each tablet contained less than one fortieth of a grain of strychnine sulphate, to wit, not more than 0.021 grain, that is, one-fiftieth of a grain thereof. The Compressed Tablets Migraine were alleged to be adulterated in that their strength and purity fell below the professed standard under which they were sold, in that each tablet was represented to contain 2 grains of acetanilide and one-half grain of caffeine citrate; whereas each tablet contained not more than 1.81 grains of acetanilide and not less than 0.56 grain of caffeine citrate. The Compressed Tablets Acetanilide & Salol were alleged to be adulterated in that their strength and purity fell below the professed standard and quality under which they were sold, in that each tablet was represented to contain 2% grains of salol; whereas each tablet contained not more than 2.21 grains of salol. The Compressed Tablets Acid Arsenous were alleged to be adulterated in that their strength and purity fell below the professed standard under which they were sold, in that each tablet was represented to contain one-sixtieth of a grain of arsenous acid; whereas each tablet contained not more than 0.014 grain of arsenous acid, that is, one-seventieth of a grain thereof. The Compressed Tablets Antiseptic (Gumston) were alleged to be misbranded in that the statement on the label, to wit, "Tablets * * * Mercury Cya- nide, 7% Grs.", was false and misleading in that each of said tablets contained not less than 10.03 grains of mercury cyanide. The Compressed Tablets Acetphenetidin and Salol were alleged to be mis- branded in that the statement on the label, to wit, "Compressed Tablets * * * Salol 2% gr.", was false and misleading in that each of said tablets contained less than that number of grains of salol. On January 20, 1936, a plea of guilty having been entered, a fine of $675 was imposed. W. R. GBEGQ, Acting Secretary of Agriculture-