25144. Misbranding of Oil de Vita and Vita-Pine Bathol. V. S. v. 29 Small Bottles and 16 Large Bottles of Oil de Vita and 37 Bottles of Vita- Pine Bathol. Default decrees of condemnation and destruction. (F. & D. nos. 36425, 36426. Sample nos. 49543-B, 49544-B.) These drug preparations were misbranded because of unwarranted curative and therapeutic claims and other misrepresentations in the labeling. On September 24, 1935, the United States attorney for the District of New Jersey, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court libels praying seizure and condemnation of 45 large and small bottles of Oil de Vita and 37 bottles of Vita-Pine Bathol at Washington, N. J., alleging that the articles had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about August 22, 1935, by the Vita Laboratories from Philadelphia, Pa., and charging mis- branding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. Analysis of the Oil de Vita showed that it consisted essentially of peppermint oil. Bacteriological examination showed that it would not destroy common pus-producing bacilli within iy2 hours. Analysis of the Vita-Pine Bathol showed that it consisted essentially of soap and water perfumed with pine-needle oil and colored, and that it contained not more than one-third of 1 percent, if any, of olive oil. Misbranding of the Oil de Vita was alleged for the reason that the following statement appearing on the retail carton was false and misleading, since it would not destroy cold or catarrhal pus bacilli: "Properties: Destroys cold and catarrhal pus bacilli when taken internally." Misbranding of the Vita- Pine Bathol was alleged for the reason that the following statements on the bottle label were false and misleading when applied to a product containing no more than one-third to one per cent, if any, olive oil: "Bathol is a product com- posed of genuine Olive Oil and Pine Needle Extracts. The olive oil contained in Bathol is excellent for the skin." Misbranding was alleged with respect to both products for the further reason that the following statements on the labels were statements regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the articles and were false and fraudulent: (Oil de Vita, retail carton) "Properties: Destroys cold and catarrhal pus bacilli when taken internally—10 to 20 drops, in a table- spoonful of water, twice daily. External rubbing on affected parts, relieves and conquers rheumatic conditions. * * * Oil de Vita * * * Always Re- lieving"; (bottle) "Oil de Vita * * * Never Fails"; (Vita-Pine Bathol, bot- tle) "Vita * * * Bathol should be used at all times * * * especially for nervous, weak and rundown conditions." On November 20, 1935, no claimant having appeared, judgments of condemna- tion were entered and it was ordered that the products be destroyed. W. R. GREGG, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.