24346. Adulteration of tulllbees. IT. S. v. Roy Brewster. Plea of guilty. Fine, $50. Sentence suspended. (F. & D. no. 32898. Sample nos. 65317-A, 65318-A.) This case was based on interstate shipments of tribes which were infested with worms. On January 2,1935, the United States attorney for the District of Minnesota, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court an information against Roy Brewster, Williams, Minn., alleging ship- ment by said defendant in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, on or about January 15, 1934, from the State of Minnesota into the State of Illinois of a quantity of trustees which were adulterated. The article was alleged to be adulterated in that it consisted in part of filthy animal substances due to its being infested with worms (triaenophori) and in that it consisted in part of portions of animals unfit for food. On January 2, 1935, the defendant entered a plea of guilty and the court imposed a fine of $50, with execution of sentence stayed for a period of one year. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.