23663. Adulteration of cream. V. S. v. One 5-Gallon Can, et al., of Cream. Consent decree of destruction. (F. & D. no. 34265, Sample no. 20571-B.) On October 18, 1934, the United States attorney for the Western District of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 4 cans (20 gallons) of cream at Buffalo, N. Y., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce, on or about October 16, 1934, in various shipments- by W. B. Houseknecht, Muney, Pa.; M. Nelson, Sheffield, Pa.; F. Wright, Dushore, Pa.; and H. Jacoby, Dushore, Pa.; and charging adulteration in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. The article was alleged to be adulterated in that it consisted in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal substance. On October 22, 1934, the Fairmont Creamery Co., Buffalo, N. Y., having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment was entered ordering that the product be destroyed. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.