22181. Adulteration of sodium salicylate, tablets, aeetanilid tablets, calo- mel tablets, sodium bromide tables, aeetanilid compound tablets, and strychnine sulphate tablets. U. S. v. Fraser Tablet Co., Inc. Plea of guilty. Fine, 8180. (F. & D. no. 28166. I. S. nos. 28996, 28997, 30251, 30254, 34334, 34341.) This case was based on interstate shipments of drug tablets which upon analyses were found to contain smaller amounts of the respective drugs than declared on the label. On November 23, 1932, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court an information against the Fraser Tablet Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., alleging shipment by said company, from the State of New York into the State of Connecticut, in part on March 31, 1931, and in part on June 8, 1931, of quantities of sodium salicylate tablets, aeetanilid tablets, calomel tablets, sodium bromide tablets, aeetanilid compound tablets, and strychnine sulphate tablets which were adulterated. The articles were labeled in part, respectively: " Tablets * * * Sodium Salicylate 5 Grains"; " Tablets * * * Aeetanilid 5 grains "; " Tablets Calomel % Grain "; " Tab- lets * * * Sodium Bromide 5 Grains"; "Tablets *- * * Aeetanilid Comp. N. F. Powder 5 grs. (Aulde A) (Formerly Migraine No. 3) Aeetanilid 3y2 gr."; " Tablets * * * Strychnine Sulphate 1/50 grain." It was alleged in the information that the articles were adulterated in that their strength and purity fell below the professed standard and quality under which they were sold, as follows: Each of the sodium salicylate tablets was represented to contain 5 grains of sodium salicylate, whereas each tablet con- tained not more than 3.744 grains of sodium salicylate. Each of the aeetanilid tablets was represented to contain 5 grains of aeetanilid, whereas each tablet contained not more than 4.502 grains of aeetanilid. Each of the calomel tablets was represented to contain one-eighth of a grain of calomel, whereas each tablet contained not more than 0.102 grain of calomel. Each of the sodium bromide tablets was represented to contain 5 grains of sodium bromide, whereas each tablet contained not more than 4.390 grains of sodium bromide. Each of the aeetanilid compound tablets was represented to contain, among other ingredients, 3% grains of aeetanilid, whereas each tablet contained not more than 3.133 grains of aeetanilid. Each of the strychnine sulphate tablets was represented to contain one- fiftieth of a grain of strychnine sulphate, whereas each tablet contained not more than 0.0179 grain of strychnine sulphate. On March 2, 1933, a plea of guilty was entered on behalf of the defendant company, and the court imposed a fine of $180. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.