22175. Misbranding of cocoa. IT. S. v. E. & A. Opler, Inc. Plea of guilty. Fine, $100. (F. & D. no. 29485. I. S. nos. 31192, 37391.) This case was based on shipments of cocoa which, upon examination, was found to be short weight. On October 11, 1933, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court an information against E. & A. Opler, Inc., trading at Brooklyn, N.Y., alleging shipment by said company in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, on or about June 11 and June 29, 1931, from the State of New York into the State of Ohio, and on or about June 19, 1931, from the State of New York into the State of Maryland, of quantities of cocoa which was misbranded. The article was labeled in part: (Case): "12—2 Pound Perfected Packages"; (can) "Our Mother's Pure All Occasion Cocoa Net Weight Two Pounds E. & A. Opler, Inc. Chicago,—New York." It was alleged in the information that the article was misbranded in that the statement, " 12—2 Pound * * * Packages", borne on the case, and the statement, "Net Weight Two Pounds ", borne on the can, were false and misleading, and for the further reason that the article was labeled so as to deceive and mislead the purchaser, since the cans contained less than 2 pounds of the article. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the article was food in package form and the quantity of the contents was not plainly and conspicuously marked on the outside of the package. On November 6,1933, a plea of guilty was entered on behalf of the defendant company, and the court imposed a fine of $100. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Webster Canning & Preserv- ing Co 22125 chops: Wright, D. H., & Co 22131 pomace: Duty-Mott Co., Inc 22118 Apples: Ostrander, A. L 22105 Ostrander, A. L., Fruit Co 22105 Wenatchee Produce Co 22086 crab: Kelder, Otto 22099 dried: Lowe, C. A., & Sons 22156 evaporated : Gilbert Apple Products Co., Inc 22145 Apricot, concentrated: International Extract and Research Laboratories 22102 Bean sprouts, canned: La Choy Food Products, Inc 22148 Morey Mercantile Co 22148 Beans, dried: Denver Elevator Co 22100 Beverages and beverage bases: fruit-flavored sirups : American Grocery Co 22150 Snaider Syrup Corporation 22150 Butter. See Dairy products. Buttermilk. See Dairy products. Candy. See Confectionery. Celery: American Fruit Growers, Inc_ 22087 Cherries, canned: Alton Canning Co 22155 Jack Sprat Foods, Inc 22127 Otoe Food Products Co 22093 Paulus Bros. Packing Co 22127 Webster Canning & Preserv- ing Co., Inc 22089 Cocoa: Opler, E. & A., Inc 22175 Confectionery : Beer Distributors, Inc. 22133, 22147 Berkshire Co 22135 Fineblum, M 22120 Fineblum, M., Candy & To- bacco Co 22120 Herbert, F 22130 Josephson Candy Co., Inc 22146 Schuize Candy Co 22135 Corn, canned: Brown, J. S., Mercantile Co 22083 Iowa Canning Co 22083 Cottonseed cake and meal. See Feed. meal. See Feed, screenings. See Feed. Crab meat. See Shellfish. Dairy products: butter: Almena Creamery 22166 Bressler, Morris 22124 Bufflngton, J. W., Co 22122 Calumet Products Co 22092 Cascade Creamery Co 22168 Chestnut Farms Dairy 22129 Cloverleaf Butter Co 22149 Davis-Cleaver Produce Co 22171 Dixie Maid Creamery Co 22092 82 Dairy products—Continued. N.J. No. butter—continued. Elgin Creamery Association- 22167 Elsass Creamery 22172 Farmers Creamery Co 22170 Holzbeierleln,> M 22128 Inland Products Co 22085 Lewis, David W., & Co 22078 Mcllhaney Creamery Co 22094 Mcllhaney, J. S 22094 Nebraska Cooperative Cream- ery, Inc 22116 Roberts Dairy Co 22165 Roberts, S., Estate 22140 Roslyn Creamery Co 22164 Sardis Creamery Co 22084 Schuize, Paul A., Co 22078 Stacey, W. C 22163 Stamper, F. M., Co 22134 Sugar Creek Creamery Co 22095 Sunshine Valley Product Co- 22078 Swift & Co 22169 Terminal Refrigerating & Warehousing Corpora- tion 22124, 22128, 22129 Weis, A. O 22092 Weis, Charles 22092 buttermilk, condensed: Merchants Creamery Co., Inc 22154 Ronck & Bevis Co L 22154 Eggs, frozen: Friedman, Miles 22088 Friedman, Miles, Inc 22088 Greenberg, Max 22103 Omaha Cold Storage Co 22106 Rothenberg & Schneider Bros- 22088 Rothenberg, Herman 22088 Schneider, Sam 22088 Werner, H. B 22103 Werner Poultry Co 22103 Feed: Overholt, A., & Co 22117 cottonseed cake and meal: Farmers Cotton Seed Prod- ucts Co, Inc 22104 Feeders Supply & Manufac- turing Co 22091 Interstate Feed Co 22090, 22104 meal: Choctaw Sales Co 22104 Texas Refining Co 22090 screenings: Feeders Supply & Manufac- turing Co 1 22091 Figs, dried: Vagim, J. G 22096 Vagim, J. G., Packing Co 22096 Fish: salmon: Buelow, C. F., Co., Inc 22174 tribes: Brewster, Roy 22161 Helborne, C. H 22160 Neumiller, George 22161 Neumiller, Harvey 22162 Neumiller, John 22161 Fruit-flavored sirups. See Beverages and beverage bases. Huckleberries, canned: Comly Flanigen Co 22121