22171. Adulteration of butter. U. S. v. 200 Boxes and 29 Boxes of Butter.. Product adjudged adulterated. Released under bond to be re-- worked. (F. & D. nos. 32374, 32383. Sample nos. 59248-A, 68611-A.) These cases involved shipments of butter which were low in milk fat. On February 8 and February 13, 1934, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, acting upon reports by the Secretary of Agricul- ture, filed in the district court libels praying seizure and condemnation of 229* boxes of butter at St. Louis, Mo., alleging that the article had been shipped in- interstate commerce, on or about May 23 and May 25, 1933, by the Davis- Cleaver Produce Co., from Quincy, Ill., and charging adulteration in violation- of the Food and Drugs Act. It was alleged in the libels that the article was adulterated in that a product containing less than 80 percent by weight of milk fat had been substituted for Butter, a product which should contain not less than 80 percent of milk fat, as- provided by the act of Congress of March 4, 1923. On February 26, 1934, the Davis-Cleaver Produce Co. having appeared as claimant for the property and having admitted the allegations of the libels, decrees were entered ordering the product released to the claimant upon pay- ment of costs and the execution of bonds totaling $2,200, conditioned that it be- reworked so that it contain not less than 80 percent of milk fat. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.