21530. Misbranding of Carpathian Herb Tea. U. S. v. Mrs. Sadie Kaidasz (Polonia Medicine Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, S50. (P. & D. no. 28083. I.S. nos. 30533, 39400.) Examination of the drug preparation, Carpathian Herb Tea, disclosed that it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing certain curative and therapeutic effects claimed on the packages and in the circulars shipped with the article. On May 26, 1933, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court an information against Mrs. Satie Kaidasz, trading as the Polonia Medicine Co., Philadelphia, Pa., alleging shipment by said defendant in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended, on or about February 4, 1931, from the State of Pennsylvania into the State of Massachusetts, and on or about January 7, 1932, from the State of Pennsylvania into the State of New York, of quantities of Carpathian Herb Tea which was misbranded. Analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that it con- sisted essentially of senna leaves, juniper berries, chamomile flowers, fennel seed, pennyroyal herb, and sweet orange peel. It was alleged in the information that the article was misbranded in that certain statements, designs, and devices, appearing on the package label, falsely and fraudulently represented that the article was effective as a treat- ment, remedy, and cure for dizziness, indigestion, skin eruptions, and female \ complaints; for the further reason that certain statements in English and Polish contained in circulars accompanying a portion of the article falsely and fraudulently represented that it was effective as a valuable system purifier; effective to promote a regular action of the stomach, liver, and kidneys; effec- tive as a reliable treatment for that run down and tired, feeling and where organs fail to function and cause various sicknesses; effective as a treatment, remedy, and cure for disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and bladder, loss of appetite, dizziness, coughs, indigestion, pale complexion, and sleepless- ness ; effective as a valuable treatment for weakness, pain in the limbs, rheu- matism, gout, impure blood, skin diseases and female complaints, chills, coughs, hoarseness, influenza, phlegm and headache; effective as a blood purifier and liver regulator; effective as a remedy for kidney trouble, skin diseases, boils and pimples; effective to restore a clear and healthy complexion to the skin; effective as a remedy for female complaints, imperfect or irregular menstrua- tion ; effective as a blood cleanser and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys; effective as a remedy for lung troubles, stomach troubles, kidney and liver troubles, weakness, cold in joints, unhealthy blood, skin diseases, painful urination and stoppage of perspiration, fever, rheumatism, sore throat, skin eruptions, boils, toothache, earache, swelling of the joints, and cold in kidneys; and for the further reason that certain statements, in English and Polish, con- tained in circulars accompanying the remainder falsely and fraudulently rep- resented that the article was effective as a valuable system purifier; effective to promote the regular action of the stomach; effective as a treatment for that rundown and tired feeling; effective to promote the regular functioning of the organs, the movement of the bowels, and the free passing of urine; effective to cause natural perspiration; effective to avoid various sicknesses by aiding the internal organs to perform their functions; effective as a treatment, remedy, and cure for chills; effective as a stomach regulator; effective as a treatment, remedy, and cure for constipation, organic difficulties, painful urination, stop- page of perspiration, fever, rheumatism, sore throat, cough, skin eruptions, boils, toothache, earache, headache, neuralgia, swelling of the joints, indigestion and stomach disorders; and effective as a treatment for unclean internal i passages. On September 26, 1933, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to the informa- tion, and the court imposed a fine of $50. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.