21213. Misbranding of Catalyn. IT. S. v. 85 L.are:e Packages and 37 Small Packages of Catalyn. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. no. 30518. Sample nos. 36615-A, 36616-A.) Examination of the drug preparation Catalyn disclosed that it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing certain curative and therapeutic effects claimed on the labels, and in a circular shipped with the article. On May 29, 1933, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the dis- trict court a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 122 packages of Catalyn at Chicago, Ill., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce, on or about April 26, 1933, by the Vitamin Products Co., from Milwaukee, Wis., and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that it con- sisted essentially of plant material including wheat bran, wheat starch, glandu- lar material including epinephrine, and milk sugar. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the follow- ing statements appearing in the labeling and accompanying circular, regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the article, were false and fraudulent: (Package label) : " Catalyn * * * to most effectively restore normal metabolism where abnormality is present"; (wrapper label) "Nature's Source of Vitality Catalyn"; (circular) "Natale * * * supplies the vital ele- ments necessary for normal functioning of the human system. * * * has the remarkable property of promoting vitality and aiding nature in restoring the organs to normal function. The action of ' Catalytic in the human system is that of a catalyst (hence the name Natale). A catalyst is an agent that promotes chemical action and as life itself is supported only by chemical action it is evident that a catalytic agent (such as Catalog) will be of utmost importance to many organs of the body. Various names are used to express the idea of catalytic agents in the blood—such as vitamins and hormones. In the present day methods of preparing foods the vitamin containing portions are usually discarded or the vitamins are to a great extent destroyed, resulting in an inadequate supply of vitamins in the human diet. All functions of the living organs are dependent upon certain chemical reactions which in turn are pro- moted by the catalytic action of vitamins or hormones. It is therefore very obvious that if the human system fails to receive an adequate supply of these vital elements there will inevitably be serious consequences, resulting in certain so-called deficiency diseases. ' Catalytic supplies these vital elements and for that reason many of the deficiency diseases are remarkably responsive to its administration, especially such ailments as listed on page 8 of this circular. * * * Because ' Catalytic is so quickly effective in many cases of insomnia and nervousness (seemingly a sedative or narcotic effect) some persons may be led to suspect the presence of narcotics in these tablets. There are other cases, however, particularly of low vitality, where ' Catalytic produces an opposite effect. Here it has the effect of producing alertness (seemingly a stimulating effect) and eliminating the feeling of tiredness and lack of energy. This illus- trates that ' Catalytic is neither a stimulant nor a narcotic, but its action is that of a normalizing agent, that is effective only in conditions that are not normal. A person entirely normal will receive no effect, one way or the other, from ' Catalyn.' * * * the results of ' Catalyn ' are accomplished with less and less dose, * * * Give ' Catalytic a Fair Trial While taking ' Catalyn ' dismiss every prejudice you may have acquired because of unsatisfactory results from any other kind of treatment. Most other remedies are either drugs or stimulants, which, as a rule, give only stimulating and therefore only temporary results, if any. 4 Catalytic is not a drug or a stimulant, but a natural normaliz- ing influence, and it helps nature to remove the cause which brought about the diseased, condition. The tendency of nature is to restore the system to normal if it has the material to do it with. ' Catalytic supplies this material and there- fore enables nature to restore the system to normal. * * * How Long Must Catalog Be Taken? There can be no definite answer to that question for the simple reason that in no two cases for which ' Catalytic is being taken are conditions exactly alike. For some conditions the first bottle may show en- couraging improvement, while with other conditions several bottles may be required before improvement can begin. The number of bottles to effect com- plete improvement also depends upon the condition, but in all cases it will be found that the amount spent for ' Catalytic will be insignificant when compared with results. * * * After complete improvement ' Catalytic need not be continued. As deficiency diseases, however, are caused by the lack of vitamins, it is suggested that' Catalytic be continued at the rate of 1 tablet once or twice a week. This practice will keep the system supplied! with the necessary vita- mins and thereby tend to prevent a recurrence of the deficiency disease, and will also help to increase the resistance to colds and other infectious diseases. Instructions For Taking ' Catalytic. When more than one tablet a day are to taken, these can be taken all at one time, or at different times during the day, and also any time before, after or between meals. The system will absorb the vitamins in ' Catalytic regardless of when the tablets are taken. Four (4) tab- lets a day, however, is the maximum of which the system can readily absorb the vitamins, and therefore taking more than 4 tablets a day is wasteful. Adults. In most conditions (any type of ailment) that are not critical, commence the use of ' Catalytic at the rate of 2 tablets a day. In critical cases (any type of ailment) commence with the maximum dose of 4 tablets a day. In all cases, however, whether starting with 2 or with 4 tablets a day, when sufficient im- provement has been noticed, the dose may be gradually reduced until only 1 tab- let a day or every two days is taken. Special Instructions For: Goiter * * * Hardening of the Arteries * * * Heart Trouble * * * High Blood Pressure * * * Insomnia * * * Prostate Trouble * * * Children The ordinary dose for infants and children is from one-half (%) to 1 tablet a day, which can be dissolved in the milk or other liquid diet by first crushing the tablet. In critical cases 2 tablets a day will be advantageous and this can be reduced as the condition improves. * * * Special Instructions Goiter (Toxic) :—This ailment is a disturbance of the system due to toxins or poisons secreted by the abnormal thyroid gland. There may be an inward or outward enlargement, or in some cases very little, if any, perceptible gland enlargement. The toxic effect may cause any or all of the following symptoms: Rapid pulse, trembling, excitability, nervousness, protrusion of eyeballs, weak heart, choking spells at night (if the swelling is inward) and general serious physical condi- tion. Because of the distressing symptoms, any relief is quickly noticed by the sufferer. Therefore, improvement is usually apparent within a very few days after beginning the use of ' Catalytic and this improvement will continue steadily. Dose:—Start with 4 ' Catalytic tablets a day, and continue until the distressing symptoms have disappeared. Then the dose can be reduced to 2 tablets a day until the enlargement has disappeared or complete improvement has resulted. Goiter (Simple) :—Simple goiter is so called because there is no effect other than simply that of gland enlargement. It may be outward or in- ward, and if inward may, in time, affect the breathing by the pressure on the trachea (wind pipe). Otherwise there may be no ill effect, other than the em- barrassment and inconvenience of the enlargement. Because there are no sys- temic effects or distressing symptoms (and especially if the enlargement is of long standing) no improvement from the use of ' Catalytic can be apparent until the enlargement begins to recede, which may take thirty days and even more. Most frequently, however, within two or three weeks a softening of the goiter can be felt (by pressing with fingers) indicating that improvement is taking place. Some goiters do not get soft before receding, but most of them do. Usually by starting with 4 ' Catalytic tablets a day and so continuing for a month, and then reducing to 2 tablets a day, steady reduction of the goiter will result. The progress of reduction depends upon the amount of scar tissue in the gland. Therefore, if after taking 4 tablets a day for 30 days and no reduc- tion is noticed, then continue with 2 tablets a day, for in such cases of much scar tissue, 2 tablets a day (after 4 a day have been taken for a month) will be as effective as if the rate of 4 a day were continued. By continuing with 2 a day for a time longer you will undoubtedly be rewarded by noticing that the recession of the goiter has commenced. Remember that even though, and par- ticularly because of much scar tissue, the reduction of the goiter may be de- layed, that improvement is taking place. High Blood Pressure And Hardening Of The Arteries:—For the first ten days the dose should be 1 ' Catalyn ' tablet a day * * * After ten days 2 to 3 ' Catalytic tablets can be taken, * * * (In severe cases of high blood pressure * * *) The reason the reduced dose of ' Catalytic is recommended for the first ten days is to give the ' V. P. Phosphide sufficient time to eliminate considerable of the excess calcium from the blood vessel walls before the heart action is too greatly improved from the use of ' Catalyn,' Otherwise the improved heart action working against the restricted blood circulation (caused by the hardening of the arteries or con- striction due to adrenal gland over-activity) may tend to temporarily increase the blood pressure. The later increased dose of ' Catalytic will normalize the adrenal gland function tending further to bring the blood pressure to normal. * * * Heart Trouble:—Often the person having heart trouble is taking treatment of digitalis or other heart stimulants. In such cases the use of ' Cat- skill ' should be begun at the rate of 1 tablet a day until it can be noted (after about three days) whether or not the stimulating effect of digitalis is increased by the use of ' Catalyn.' If it is found that 1 tablet does not over-stimulate, then take 2 tablets for several days, and so on until any number up to 4 tablets a day can be taken. The reason for these instructions is: As is the case with all drugs and stimulants, the system loses its sensitiveness to digitalis so that an increasing dose of the stimulant is required. On the other hand the normal- izing effect of Catalytic (by restoring the normal condition of metabolism) re- stores the normal sensitiveness to stimulants. Therefore too sudden a return to normal (and normal sensitiveness) is not to be desired if the patient has been, and continues to be saturated with digitalis or other such stimulating drugs. For that reason increase the dose of ' Catalytic gradually from 1 to 4 tablets a day until it is determined how many tablets a day can be taken with- out over-stimulation from digitalis. The taking of ' Catalytic will tend to re- move the cause of the heart trouble condition and in a comparatively short time such improvement will be noted that the use of digitalis can be reduced and finally eliminated altogether. It should be remembered that digitalis (or other stimulants) is not a cure for heart trouble, but only acts as a stimulant, while ' Catalyn ' restores to normal health the muscular tissues of the heart; and the only bar to a complete recovery is any degeneration of structure that often occurs in cases of long standing. In all cases, however, a marked improvement, following the use of ' Catalyn,' will be noted, " If no digitalis or other heart stimulant is being taken at the time the taking of ' Catalytic is started, then the dose can be either 2 or 4 tablets a day, depend- ing on whether the condition is critical or not (see under Adults). Insomnia:— Ordinarily, by following the instructions for noncritical cases, as given above, it will help this condition very much and in a short time effect a complete im- provement. If immediate relief, however, is desired, it will be found that the taking of 2 to 4 tablets upon retiring are very effective. Prostate Enlarge- ment :—Start and continue with 4 ' Catalytic tablets a day, until improvement is noted; then it may reduced, if desired, to 2 a day. Ordinarily improvement is noticed within two or three weeks, but occasionally there may be an obsti- nate case requiring from four to six weeks before improvement is noticed. As high blood pressure frequently accompanies enlarged prostate, and it is known that this condition is present, then first follow the treatment for high blood pressure. * * * In conditions of High Blood Pressure, Hardening of the Arteries, Dropsy and Kidney Disorders a high protein diet should be avoided to insure more satisfactory results from ' Catalyn.' * * * Special Information Bowel Action:—Ordinarily ' Catalytic is not a laxative, but it usually tends to bring about a normal function. Very infrequently, however, there may be cases where the taking of ' Catalytic has a marked laxative effect. This is because of allergic reaction (which is the tendency of some persons to be over- sensitive to certain food materials) which is not a serious situation. In such cases merely take a reduced dose of ' Catalytic until the allergic reaction dis- appears, which it will in a comparatively short time. Dreams:—' Catalyn,' when taken for insomnia and nervousness, is noted for inducing restful, dream- less sleep. There may be other conditions, however, particular of low vitality and mental sluggishness, resulting from toxic influences (usually bowel toxins) in which the normal subconscious activity has been inhibited. ' Catalytic re- moves this toxic influence and restores normal mental alertness. The subcon- scious mind having become accustomed to the inhibitive influence, the sudden removal of the toxic effect may in rare cases result in excessive dreaming. In such cases it is recommended that the dose be reduced or that ' Catalytic tab- lets be taken only in the morning, until such time as the mental system becomes accustomed to the absence of the toxic influence. * * * " Fol- lowing Abnormal Conditions Are Particularly Responsive To ' Catalytic Treatment * * * Acidosis, Anemia, Backward Children, Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Enlarged Tonsils, Enlarged Prostate, Goiter, Hardening of Arteries, Heart Trouble, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Low Blood Pressure, Low Vitality, Menstrual Disorders, Nervousness, Palsy, Pregnancy (ills of), * * * to aid ' Catalytic in eliminating the calcium accumulations in the tissues and blood vessel walls likely to be present in the abnormal conditions marked with * * * These calcium accumulations, occurring as a result of vitamin and phosphate deficiency, not only cause hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, etc., but also are the cause of stiffness of the joints and many other indications of premature old age. * * * removal of these deposits is a slow process, as the rate of removal is limited by the amount of phosphoric radical taken into the system in food. Results are obtained so much quicker." On July 14, 1933. no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.