21199. Adulteration and Misbranding of Burbank Tea (dried alfalfa). TI. S. v. 51 Packages of Dried Alfalfa. Default decree of con- demnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. no. 30124. Sample no. 36594-A.) This case involved a shipment of dried alfalfa sold under the name of Burbank American Vegetable Tea. The labeling of the article bore unwar- ranted curative and therapeutic claims; it was also labeled to convey the erroneous impression that it was tea of the Orange Pekoe type; the label failed to bear a plain and conspicuous statement of the quantity of the contents, since the statement appeared inconspicuously on the rear panel of the carton. On April 26, 1933, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the dis- trict court a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 51 packages of dried alfalfa at Chicago, Ill. alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce, March 28, 1932, by the California Vegetized Products Co., from Bur- bank, Calif., and charging adulteration and misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. The article was labeled in part: (Carton) "Burbank American Vegetable Tea Orange Pekoe Type Green * * * 5 02 when packed Vegetized Foods, Inc. Burbank, California." Analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that it con- sisted of dried alfalfa. It was alleged in the libel that the article was adulterated in that dried alfalfa had been substituted for tea of the Orange Pekoe type which the article, by reason of the labeling, purported to be. It was further alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded under the provisions of the act relating to food, in that the statement on the label, " Green Tea Orange Pekoe Type ", was false and misleading and deceived and misled the purchaser; for the further reason that the article was offered for sale under the distinctive name of another article; and for the further reason that it was in package form and did not bear a plain and conspicuous statement of the quantity of the contents. Misbranding was alleged under the provisions of the act relating to drugs, in that the following statements regarding its curative or therapeutic effects were false and fraudulent: (Circular) "* * * so necessary for maintenance of normal blood plasma . . . restoring alkaline reserve . . . and assuring system alkalization. * * * Containing pro- teins and immediately available materials for the construction of haemoglobin and red blood corpuscles . . . recommended as a tonic in nutritional and sec- ondary anaemias, general blood impoverishment, dietary deficiencies, malnutri- tion and gastro-intestinal disturbances, and debilitated states. The frequent drinking of Burbank Vegetable Tea in conditions also lated with loss of appe- tite, nervousness, and sensitiveness of the gastro-intestinal tract should increase the appetite and stimulate digestion and assimilation . . . resulting in improved intellectual and physical vigor and body weight. * * * restores a healthy tone to the nervous system, stimulates the function of nutrition . . . assists in regulating constructive metabolism . . . increased energy production and muscle tone. Serving as a universal tonic in convalescence from illness or sur- gical operations . . . for overworked business men and weak, nervous women. Every child's diet should be supplemented with Burbank Vegetable Tea as children often refuse to eat a sufficient quantity or variety of vegetables to supply the necessary mineral elements. The result is often a languid, irritable child who is pale and underweight . . . who lacks resistance to disease . . . who suffers from colds and constipation . . . poor eyesight . . . soft, chalky teeth that decay easily . . . and who is generally run down and anaemic. For * * * Children * * * invaluable for grown-ups and children. * * * One child in three is undernourished, not necessarily from lack of food, but from lack of the proper elements of food. * * * They will like the rich, nourishing flavor, and at every serving they will get a portion of their daily requirement of health-building and protecting mineral salts. For Expectant and Nursing Mothers Child bearing and child nursing mean an extra demand upon the strength and energy of the mother . . . and a severe loss of calcium during the period of gestation, which must be replaced to preserve the mother's teeth and assure the future integrity.of the teeth of the child. To assist in supplying this important element, drink Burbank Tea copiously and frequently. In Old Age * * * assist digestive function, which is often weak or im- paired. * * * As a refreshing restorative in mental and physical fatigue and proper functioning of the digestive tract with improved elimination through the kidneys. * * * For its invigorating, strensthening, tonic properties and to assist in supplying the loss of Iron, Calcium, Phosphorous, and other neces- sary elements." On June 15, 1933, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.