21181. Misbranding of Radumac. U. S. v. 19 Bottles and TO Bottles of Radumac. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. nos. 29005, 29255. Sample nos. 451-A, 25203-A.) Examination of the drug preparation Radumac disclosed that it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing certain curative and therapeutic effects claimed in the labeling. On October 13 and November 14, 1932, the United States attorney for the District of Nevada, acting upon reports by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court libels praying seizure and condemnation of 29 bottles of Radumac at Reno, Nev., alleging that the article had been shipped in inter- state commerce, in two shipments, the former on or about September 13, 1932, by Walter Gerke, and the latter on or about October 21, 1932, by the McKesson- Kirk-Geary Co., both consignments having been made from Sacramento, Calif., and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. The article was labeled in part: "Radumac * * * The Radumac Mineral Co. * * * Los Angeles, Calif." Analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that it con- sisted essentially of a water solution of ferrous and ferric sulphates with traces of aluminum, zinc, and sodium compounds including phosphate. It was alleged in the libel filed October 13, 1982, that the article was mis- branded in that the following statements regarding its curative and therapeutic effects, appearing on the bottle label, and in circulars shipped with the article, were false and fraudulent: (Bottle label) " Frail Persons * * * Frail, weak and rundown persons * * * open sores"; (small circular) " Nature makes no compromise for any transgressions of its laws. It acts and reacts to inevitable and established principles, and certain and specific results never vary under like conditions. Man may compromise; but Nature never. Through abuse, and misuse, of the body, man has subjected himself to the myriad forms of disease as a consequence. He has been, and is, seeking success through efforts that too often prove worthless. In offering Radumac to the public, we do so with the full confidence that it will do all, and more, than we claim for it. * * * wonderful merits of Radumac * * * Radumac will prove every claim we make for it"; (large circular) " Heals, Penetrates and Prevents Germs * * * health-giving, * * * assisting in the elimination of many of the following diseases and troubles, it is * * * Health Tonic, * * * if used regularly it will prevent a great many serious diseases. We highly rec- ommend to all who are troubled, either chronically or occasionally, with any of these diseases; * * * always take three times daily according to direc- tions when any of the symptoms of these diseases occur. Remineralization— For perfect health (to have that 'Peppy,' 'Go-Getter' feeling) * * * If you feel tired, rundown, no energy, can't sleep, poor appetite and bad digestion; your mineral balance is probably not right. Radumac, taken as directed, will restore the lost and needed minerals. * * ' * for building new body tissues * * * it has such wide and extensive healing, * * * effects on diseased conditions of the body. * * * you will not be disappointed in your re- sults. * * * This Water * * * was found to * * * (prevent) the growth of bacteria, * * * Directions * * * y2 teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. * * * % to 1-hour after each meal. Chronic diseases and frail persons, 15 drops to start, * * * Diseased Conditions In which Radumac has been found useful Anemia—Run-Down Condition—following pro- longed illness or accident, * * * will benefit the condition in a short time. Acne—Eczema * * * Bed-Wetting (enuresis) * * * Where caused by Malnutrition, Radumac will give prompt relief. Bleeding * * * Radumac applied locally will control bleeding (where an artery is not cut) almost at once. * * * prevent the growth or development of disease germs, * * * will prevent infection, and relieve soreness * * * Blood- pressure, High or Low—This condition is in most cases due to a disturbance of the nutrition. High Blood Pressure frequently is due to kidney trouble (see remarks under 'Kidneys'). Low Blood Pressure, where not caused by ?one disease of the heart, is more frequently due to an anemic condition. Follow Directions. Blood—Poor, Impoverished, Thin * * * for that run- down feeling. * * * Boils * * * Burns—of all kinds. * * * Rarely will any scar result if treated with Radumac. Carbuncles * * * It will hasten the ' ripening' of the Carbuncle, * * * and shorten the healing ; time. * * * Children—Defective, Stunted, Puny, Ill-Nourished, Back-' ward—Many times these conditions are due to poor blood. * * * Take according to Directions on Bottle. * * * Convalescence—After a pro- tracted sickness; such as a fever, the flu or grippe, where you feel weak and don't gain strength as you should; * * * Cough * * * This will give prompt, almost instant relief. Cracking, squeaking, stiff joints—This is a form of Rheumatism caused by the deposit of very minute particles of lime in the lining of the joints. Oil them up by taking Radumac. * * * ' Rheuma- tism.' Dermatosis—Many of this class of disease of the skin are largely caused, or made worse, by an inactive skin; more than half of the impurities of the body are gotten rid of through the skin, and without a healthy skin you can't be perfectly well. Eczema * * * Epistaxis (Nose Bleed)—This may be a symptom of a disease of the liver and of a constitutional disease as well as an abnormality of the nose. If it occurs frequently, consult a good doctor. Picking at the nose, worms, constipation, accident—no matter what the cause— snuff or spray Radumac, one-half strength, up the nose, and apply cotton saturated with Radumac. It will promptly control the bleeding. Feet (Sore, * * * Swollen) ; * * * Hemorrhoids * * * Hemorrhage (Bleed- ing)—All forms of bleeding (except where an artery is cut) may be promptly stopped * * * until healing is complete. * * * will prevent the de- velopment of disease germs in the wound * * * Hypopepsia (Indigestion) * * * Infection—While Radumac is not a germicide, it is a good antiseptic; that is, it prevents the growth or development of infective germs and if their development is prevented, Nature is able to kill all those which have entered the wound. Modern surgeons do not use strong germicides in dressing wounds, but mild ones which prevent the further growth of germs, hence Radumac is an ideal dressing for all open wounds. Ingrowing toenails * * * In- testinal Indigestion * * * Soreness, Ulcers * * * Kidneys * * * There are many kinds of diseases of the kidneys. Some are serious; that is, prove fatal. Some are acute, and some are mildly chronic. Many of these conditions are promptly relieved by Radumac, * * * Leucorrhea (whites), Vaginal Discharges * * * Liver Diseases * * * in many of the slight ( disturbances, and acute troubles, Radumac will be found highly satisfactory in allaying painful conditions. * * * Malnutrition—Run-down, anemic conditions, due to impoverished blood. Follow Directions. Mouth—Sore Mouth, Ulcers * * * Mucous Colitis (Catarrh of the colon—inflammation of the colon) * * * Colitis * * * Nervousness—This is usually the result of an impoverished or anemic run-down condition, due frequently to lack of iron and other minerals in the system. Doctors refer to it as ' needed remineralization.' Radumac, taken as directed, will soon give relief. Neural- gia—See 'Rheumatism,' and follow the Directions. Obesity (Fat)—This is usually a disease, and most frequently due to some trouble of the liver or spleen, or both. Try Radumac, and follow the Directions. Ovarian Trouble * * * Open sores * * * Piles, Hemorrhoids * * * Pimples * * * Polyu- ria (Increased Urine) * * * Pyorrhea, Trench Mouth, Sore Gums or Loose Teeth, and Toothache * * * Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia—While these are different diseased conditions, they are all due to similar causes—different tissues being diseased. * * * Many patients who have suffered some one or more of these diseases, and have been relieved, * * * Stomach Trou- bles: Indigestion, * * * Ulcers * * * stomach trouble * * * ul- cerated conditions of long standing promptly benefited. * * * Teeth: Loose, Sore; Bleeding Gums; Pus About Teeth * * * Throat, Sore; Ton- sillitis, Etc. * * * Women's Diseases * * * most of them may be promptly relieved with Radumac. Worms—This is a common ailment of child- hood; and many adults also, both men and women, suffer unknowingly from different forms of parasites, or worms. These cause indigestion, bowel com- plaints, nervousness, convulsions, fits, trembling weakness, headaches, sleep- lessness, loss of weight, and many other similar conditions. Follow Directions, and keep bowels open with some good laxative. This has been known repeatedly to cause the evacuation of a surprisingly large quantity of worms. Wounds, * * * Apply Radumac full strength * * * will heel promptly." Misbranding was alleged in the libel filed November 14, 1932, for the reason that certain statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the article appearing in the labeling of the product, which were substantially the same as those quoted above, and the following statements appearing in the large circular accompanying this lot were false and fraudulent: " Catarrh— An inflammatory affection of any mucus membrane accompanied by increase of the mucus, especially from the nose. A violent head cold. We find Radumac a wonderful relief for catarrh of the head." On June 30, 1933, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. M. L. WILSON, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.