20908. Misbranding of Rival herb, tablets. TI.' S. v. IS Boxes of Rival Herb Tablets. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and de- struction. CF. & D. no. 29700. Sample no. 4871-A.) Examination of the drug preparation involved in this case disclosed that the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of produc- ing certain curative and therapeutic effects claimed in the labeling. Analysis also showed that the article was not chocolate-coated as claimed. On January 5, 1933, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court of the United States a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 78 boxes of Rival herb tablets at Chicago, Ill., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce November 8,' 1932, by the Rival Herb Co., from Detroit, Mich., to Chicago, Ill., and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that the tablets consisted essentially of extracts of plant drugs including aloe, podo- phyllum, and capsicum, coated with calcium carbonate and iron oxide. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the statement appearing on the labels, " Chocolate Coated", was false and mis- leading, since the article was coated with calcium carbonate and iron oxide. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the following statements, regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the article, were false and fraudulent: (Shipping carton) "For the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow- els"; (retail carton and tin container) "Aids Digestion, Tones Stomach, Stimulates Liver & Kidneys, Regulates Bowels, * * * Nature's Own Medi- cine. For Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Directions Adult—Take one Tablet every night at Bedtime—if you are very * * * bilious take two Tablets the first night, then one Tablet each night on retiring. * * * If one Tablet moves the bowels too freely take half Tablet—no two systems are just alike: some require larger doses than others. In order to get the best possible results you should regulate the dose to suit your own case: at least one good healthy action of the bowels daily is necessary. Children—Over five years old from one-half to one Tablet each night according to condition of the bowels"; (circular) "Aiding Nature An Important Duty Exercise, fresh, air, good food, pure water and sound slumber, valuable and necessary as they are, cannot restore a disordered system if the gastro-intestinal apparatus—the organs that convert the food into blood and flesh and bone—are clogged and inactive as a result of long years of wrong living. Here is where science comes to Nature's relief and aids her to do her work in a normal manner. Science has delved into the fields of Chemistry, Botany, Pharmacology, Physi- ology and other branches of human knowledge, and has found agents that have definite effects upon the various organs of the animal body. Some of these act upon the heart, some on the brain and nervous system, some on the kidneys, the liver, the stomach, the pancreas and other important glandular structures. The effects of these agents upon the several organs have been confirmed and studied thousands of times by experts in the laboratories of the colleges and universities. We know exactly what they do when given to frogs, dogs, cats and finally to the highest type of animal—man. Medical experts, have been alert to all these great discoveries and have applied the knowledge thus acquired to the treatment of acute and chronic disease. Thus, we now have thoroughly tested agents that act upon the diseased liver, that prompt its better action, that remove from the blood certain toxic or poisonous principles and eliminate them from the system through the kidneys and the intestinal tract. Others improve the digestive function and assist Nature to more thoroughly convert the food into tissue-forming substances. Others strengthen the heart and tone up the blood circulation. All these processes fortify the individual's power of resistance to disease and increase his immunity to the action of toxic bodies. If the average man or woman who is not well * * * and will use Nature's own materials, to control and regulate the bodily functions, not only will he be restored to better health but he will not be subject to frequent attacks of biliousness, sick headache, dizziness or vertigo, rheumatism, backache, stiffness of the joints and muscles, deranged secretions, constipation and its attendant ills. To enjoy good health you must keep the sewerage system of the body in good working order. * * * Rival Herb Tablets to act on the bowels and liver. * * * to meet the needs of such cases as we have described in these pages. * * * If you have dys- pepsia * * * use Rival Herb Tablets * * * Remember constipation is a vicious habit. It brings on dyspepsia and a host of evils, all of which may be corrected completely by regulating the action of the bowels. The thing to do is to choose a regulator that will not make matters "worse, that will not harm you or leave you in a more miserable state than you were before. You have an absolutely reliable, safe, dependable regulator in Rival Herb Tablets. Medical Authorities recognize the causative effect of constipation in producing or predisposing to chronic diseases of the tissues, joints, kidneys, liver, skin and other parts of the body. To keep fit see that the bowels move daily. Watch this important function, and teach your children the same lesson. * * * a simple regulator such as you have in Rival Herb Tablets * * * A spell of sickness can often be headed off or prevented by the timely and intelligent use of Rival Herb Tablets. * * * every sick person * * * its cheap health insurance * * * [testimonials] * * * Stomach Trouble * * * ' I was troubled with my stomach, also headaches * * * now I am feeling fine.' * * * Rheumatism * * * ' My son was troubled with rheumatism * * * Finally he started taking "Rival Herb Tablets" and after taking them for about two weeks the pain disappeared. I would advise anyone suffering from these troubles to give them a trial.' * * * ' " Rival Herb Tablets." I procured a box and took them regularly. I have gained ten pounds and never felt so well before. * * * Piles—22 Years ' * * * I suffered terribly from internal piles for twenty-two years. My health was shattered and I was in a fearful state. The pain was so intense at times that it affected my spine and sometimes even ran right up into my brain. I was obliged to syringe with saltpetre as strong as I could dissolve it to relieve the pain. I was nearly crazy and did not know what to do until someone recommended " Rival Herb Tablets" * * * I have only used them for a short time and I am more than satisfied with the results. I find them * * * effective * * * to all those who have the misfortune to suffer.' ' * * * splendid for dyspepsia and liver trouble.' * * * Rival Herb Tablets * * * form of medication which is * * * rapidly con- veyed by the blood stream to the various organs which are influenced by the component ingredients. * * * Nature's own Medicine. Directions Adults— Take one tablet every night at bedtime—if you are very * * * bilious take two Tablets the first night, then one Tablet each night on retiring. * * * In order to get the best possible results you should regulate the dose to suit your own case—at least one good healthy action of the bowels daily is necessary. * * * Children—Over five years old, from one-half to one Tab- let each night, according to condition of the bowels. * * * Nature's Own Medicine." On April4, 1933, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. R. G. TUGWEIX, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.