20883. Misbranding of Ballard's Golden oil. IT. S. v. Isaac A. Ballard (Ballard Golden Oil Co.). Plea of guilty. Fine, $25. (F. & D. no. 29388. I. S. noa. 38825, 39084.) Examination of the drug preparation Ballard's Golden oil disclosed that it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing cer- tain curative and therapeutic effects claimed on the bottle labels, wrappers, and circulars. On March 3,1933, the United States attorney for the District of Maine, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the district court of the United States an information against Isaac A. Ballard, trading as Ballard Golden Oil Co., Old Town, Maine, alleging shipment by said' defendant, in vio- lation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended, between the dates of February 17, 1931 and January 30,1932, from the State of Maine into the State of Massachu- setts, of quantities of Ballard's Golden oil that was misbranded. An analysis of a sample of the article by this Department showed that it con- sisted essentially of linseed oil (96 percent) containing small proportions of volatile oils including peppermint oil, cedar oil, origanum oil, camphor and methyl salicylate. It was alleged in the information that the article was misbranded in that certain statements, designs, and devices regarding its curative and therapeutic effects, appearing on the bottle label, wrapper, and circular, falsely and fraud- ulently represented that it was effective as a relief for croup, colic, asthma, common sore throat, whooping cough, muscular rheumatism, lame back, chil- blains, fresh wounds, and external pains; effective as a treatment, remedy, and cure for croup, common sore throat, colic, muscular rheumatism; effective as a foe to inflammation, and effective as an emergency remedy for loosening and healing qualities in ailments of children. On March 29, 1933, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to the information, and the court imposed a fine of $25. R. G. TUGWEIX, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.