20566. Misbranding of You-Tha-Gan and Andes. U.S. v. 120 Bottles of You-Tha-Gan and 216 Bottles of Andes Default decrees of con- demnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. nos. 29009, 29010. I.S. nos. 18862-A, 18863-A.) Examination of the drug preparations, You-Tha-Gan and Andes involved in these cases, shewed that the articles contained no ingredients or combinations of ingredients capable of producing certain curative and therapeutic effects claimed in the labeling. On or about October 25, 1932, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Texas, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid libels praying seizure and condemnation of 120 bottles of You-Tha-Gan and 216 bottles of Andes at Dallas, Tex., alleging that the articles had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about July 9, 1932, by the Vicksburg Chemical Co., from Vicks- burg, Miss., to Dallas, Tex., and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act as amended. The articles were labeled in part: (You-Tha-Gan) "You-Tha-Gan * * * The You-Tha-Gan Co. * * * Houston, Texas"; (Andes) "Andes * * * International Products Co., Inc. * * * Lexing- ton, Ky." Analyses of samples of the articles by this Department showed that the You-Tha-Gan consisted essentially of sugar and water with a small proportion of hydriodic acid (0.14 gram per 100 milliliters) ; and that the Andes consisted essentially of a small proportion of extracts of plant drugs including a laxative drug and a bitter drug, sodium acetate (0.2 percent), sugar (1.8 percent), alcohol (6.7 percent by volume), and water (approximately 91 percent). Misbranding of the Andes was alleged for the reason that the following state- ments regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the article were false and fraudulent: (Bottle) "For Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Intestines A System Purifier and Tonic"; (carton) " Tonic." » Misbranding of the You-Tha-Gan was alleged for the reason that the follow- ing statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the article were false and fraudulent: (Bottle label) "You-Tha-Gan * * * A general nerve tonic for adult males only, exercising a powerful stimulation of the genital organs, * * * its therapeutic action upon the human system is to rebuild and make new rather than to offer a mere temporary relief"; (small circular) " You-Tha-Gan * * * greatest of all Nerve Tonics. * * * to feed tired and jaded, worn and aged nerves, through stimulating the cellular and fibrous nerve tissues by the same method that Mother Nature uses when she refreshes the whole human body—by giving a square meal of honest-to-God food. If the flesh anywhere is pricked by a needle point we feel pain. Any one then can easily understand what our nerve-body really is. For it is only when a nerve is injured that we feel pain. The nervous system, of which the brain is the great central station, controls the entire human body—the flow of blood, as well as all the glands of the body, such as the Liver, Pancreas, the Salivary, and all the other important glands. You-Tha-Gan, by supplying these elements that tend to feed, restore and renew the ' nerve-body,' acts upon both the cellular and fibrous tissues. * * * You-Tha-Gan is designed to restore, through a more or less slow process, depending upon the nervous health of the individual, the individual's ' nerve-body' to as nearly a happy condition of healthy virile youth as is possible—the age and the general physical condition of the patient being considered, * * * having accomplished this, * * * Men After Forty. Very, very often, the waning of sex functions is caused by Pelvic congestions. Yet the average sufferer is quite ignorant of the frequent cause. The obvious is often overlooked. In men who have these congestions, most frequently the small gland called the Prostate has become afflicted. Since this is a sex gland that is richly endowed with sex nerves, congestions may be easily conceived as affecting sex matters. Getting Up At Night. As time passes, and certain of these pelvic congestions continue, the men will experience the frequent need of voiding of urine, being called upon to rise during the night—a few times, or many times, as the case may be. This robs the victim of sleep, his rest is broken, and the morning does not bring the rest and refresh- ment of old. If allowed to continue, the condition often grows severely worse, finally coming to the place where artificial means must be used to relieve the urine. Obviously that means a life-shortening process, and one that will ulti- mately kill physical, sexual and mental efficiency. You-Tha-Gan has been, in many cases, a most valued help. The above facts being kept in mind, is it sur- prising that in the rejuvenation of the ' nerve-body' of the patient, that he should find, after faithfully taking the remedy as directed, that his brain is keener, its action quicker and clearer, and his mental attitude is more cheer- ful, hopeful and courageous? * * * even though some patient may not care especially to try the remedy as a sex tonic, he may desire to test its benefits as a general nerve tonic. The active, healthy, happy life of the individual depends upon the nervous system. If it is normal and as God intended it should be, then the individual is normal, happy, and efficient in every way. You-Tha-Gan aims to make tired, worn or old nervous system, or * nerve-bodies' as near to ' good-as-new' as can be done. It does not claim to do the impossible, but it does claim that it operates along correct lines of 'nerve-body' rejuvenation. * * * You-Tha-Gan is for adult men only. * * * it can benefit a tired, worn, and even aged, ' nerve-body,' which, in turn, when more or less renewed or restored, must surely affect every gland, every organ—in fact, the entire human system. * * * Nerves are of slow growth, and slow in healing. But healthy nerves mean a healthy body, * * * The very nature of the remedy and its therapeutic plan contemplate from one to five bottles, according to the condition you are in. However, two or three bottles are usually suf- ficient."; (large circular) "You-Tha-Gan * * * (For Adults Males Only) * * * designed to feed tired, jaded, worn and aged nerves, by stimulating the cellular and fibrous nerve tissues by the same practical method that Mother Nature uses when she refreshes the whole human body by giving it a square meal of honest-to-God food. * * * If a needle point is pricked into the flesh anywhere, we feel pain; then anybody can quickly understand what our ' nerve-body' really is. For it is only when a nerve is injured that we feel pain. Furthermore, the nervous system, of which the brain is the great cen- tral station, controls the entire human body; all its glands, such as the Liver, Pancreas, Salivary, and those important glands, known as the testicles, by which a man reproduces, or procreates himself. You-Tha-Gan acts by supply- ing the great ' nerve-body,' of a man with those elements which tend to feed, restore and renew that ' nerve-body,' both its cellular and fibrous tissues. * * * is designed to restore, through a more or less slow process, (depend- ing upon the nervous health of the individual) that individual's 'nerve-body' to as near a happy condition of healthy, virile youth as is possible—the age and general physical condition of the patient being considered. Having done this. * * * The above facts being kept in mind, is it surprising that in the rejuvenation of the 'nerve-body' of the patient, he should find (after faith- fully taking the remedy as directed) his brain keener, quicker and clearer, his mental attitude more cheerful, hopeful and courageous? And in this con- nection it may be well to remind the reader that, even though some patient may not care, especially, to try the remedy as a sex tonic, he may desire to test its benefits as a general nerve tonic. Upon the nervous system depends the active, healthy, happy life of the individual. If it is normal and as God intended it to be, then the individual is normal, happy and efficient in every way. You-Tha-Gan aims to make tired, worn or old nervous systems, or 4 nerve-bodies' as near to 4 good as new' as can be done. It does not claim to do the impossible, but it does claim that it operates along correct lines of 4 nerve-body' rejuvenation * * * for adult males only. It cannot help a broken down 4 nerve-body,' but it can benefit a tired, worn, even aged, ' nerve- body' which, in turn (when more or less renewed and restored) must surely affect the entire human system—every gland, every organ. Don't expect re- sults too quickly. Nerves are of slow growth and slow in healing, but healthy nerves mean a healthy body. * * * The very nature of the remedy and its therapeutic plan contemplate from one to five bottles, according to the condi- " lion. However, two or three are usually sufficient * * * The You-Tha-Gan Co." On January 27, 1933, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court that the products be destroyed by the United States marshal. R. G. TUGWELL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.