20469. Adulteration and Misbranding of canned frozen whole eggs. IT. S. v. 660 Cans of Frozen Whole Eggs. Consent decree of condemna- tion and forfeiture. Product released under bond. (F. & D. no. 29257. Sample no. 15970-A.) This action involved the interstate shipment of a quantity of canned frozen whole eggs, samples of which were found to be decomposed. The cans con- taining the article were not labeled to show the quantity of the contents. On November 10, 1932, the United States attorney for the District of Mary- land, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 660 cans of frozen whole eggs, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Baltimore, Md., alleging that the article had been shipped in interstate commerce on or about October 31, 1932, by the Omaha Cold Storage Co., from Omaha, Nebr., to Baltimore, Md., and charging adulteration and misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act. The cans containing the article had the words, "Whole Eggs.", embossed on the lid. It was alleged in the libel that the article was adulterated in that it consisted in part of a decomposed animal substance. Misbranding was alleged for the reason that the article was food in package form and the quantity of the contents was not plainly and conspicuously marked on the outside of the package. The Omaha Cold Storage Co., Omaha, Nebr., filed its claim and answer admitting the allegations of the libel, consenting to the entry of a decree and praying release of the goods. On November 15, 1932, judgment of condemna- tion and forfeiture was entered and it was ordered by the court that the product be released to the said claimant, upon payment of costs and the execution of a bond in the sum of $2,500, conditioned in part that it be made to conform to the Federal Food and Drugs Act under the supervision of this Department. The decomposed portion was separated and denatured so as to render it unfit for food. R. G. TUGWELL, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.