19368. Misbranding of Stomach-Rite and Uri-Tox. TI. S. v. 147 Packages of Stomach-Rite, et al. Default decrees of condemnation, for- feiture, and destruction. (F. & D. Nos. 27280, 27281. I. S. Nos. 38933, 38934. S. No. 5393.) Examination of drug products, known as Stomach-Rite and Uri-Tox, respec- tively, from the shipments herein described having shown that the labeling bore statements representing that the articles possessed curative and thera- peutic properties which they did not possess, the Secretary of Agriculture reported the matter to the United States attorney for the District of Massachusetts. On November 27, 1931, the United States attorney filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid libels praying seizure and condemnation of 147 packages of Stomach-Rite and 13 packages of Uri-Tox, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Boston, Mass., alleging that the articles had been shipped by Dr. John Wilbur, Daughter Co. (Inc.), from Westerly, R. I., in various consignments on or about June 8, 1931, October 8, 1931, and October 15, 1931, and had been transported from the State of Rhode Island into the State of Massachusetts, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analyses of samples of the articles by1 this department showed that Stomach- Rite consisted of white tablets containing in each: 0.5 gram of calcium car- bonate, 0.1 gram of sodium bicarbonate, starch, and sugar, and pink tablets containing capsicum and laxative drugs such as aloin and podophyllum extract; and that the Uri-Tox contained ferrous carbonate (0.1 gram per pill), quinine (6 milligrams per pill), strychnine, and ginger. Misbranding of the articles was alleged for the reason that the following statements appearing in the labeling, regarding the curative or therapeutic effect of the article, were false and fraudulent, since they contained no ingre- dients or combinations of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Stomach-Rite, carton), " Stomach-Rite * * * For Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles * * * Highly recommended for disordered conditions of the Stom- ach, Liver and Intestines. * * * bad breath, * * * stomach cough, * * * headache;" (envelope contained in retail package of Stomach-Rite) "For habitual constipation;" (circular accompanying Stomach-Rite) "Stom- ach-Rite * * * Medicine for Indigestion * * * Headache, * * * Biliousness, Catarrh of Stomach, Nervous Indigestion, Acidity, Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Intestinal Indigestion, Acute Indigestion, Dizziness, Distress after eating or drinking, Heart Pressure, Bloating, * * * Chronic Appen- dicitis, and all forms of Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Trouble. * * * Take no chance when your Health is at stake. * * * Directions: Take one or two of the large white tablets * * * at any time when in distress— * * * The Stomach-Rite prescription consists of the large white tablets and the little red tablets—Both Are Needed and it is most important that Both should be used in the treatment. Do not expect the occasional use of any medicine to conquer Indigestion or Constipation. When the digestive powers of those entering middle life and the elderly ' slow down,' you should use Stomach-Rite constantly, persistently, daily, even though you feel no direct or apparent need. Stomach-Rite invigorates the whole intestinal tract and you will experience greater powers of endurance with a healthy stomach, active liver and clean intestines. * * * Indigestion and Constipation are the most dangerous of all chronic conditions because they lower your powers of resist- ance and are directly the prolific cause of many other diseases. The theory of Dr. John Wilbur and his father, Dr. William H. Wilbur, to ' treat the digestive organs and the entire body will restore itself to health' will prove 142627—32 3 true in your case. Keep Stomach-Rite in the house and use it constantly, according to directions, if you would live long and keep well. There is no secret about it, good digestion and thorough elimination do prolong your life. * * * Rite-Lax is a laxative of unusual merit and possesses qualities not found in any other laxative. It tones, strengthens and restores the muscular action of the whole intestinal tract, upon which all elimination depends. Rite-Lax is not a purge, but is an intestinal tonic and stimulant, inducing a natural action of the bowels and overcoming constipation in a gentle, thorough manner, leaving no aftermath of waste products to remain and produce germs and bacterial poisons. We recommend the daily use of Rite-Lax as a perfect laxative for the habitually constipated. * * * Defeating Your Age By Doctor's Daughter. Thirty-seven years have been added to the average life- time in the last forty years, seven of which have been gained in the last twelve years. Professor Fisher of Yale says 'We shall become octogenarians toy the end of this century.' Thomas Edison sees ' The 200 year old man.' Dr. Charles Mayo, the world's most famous surgeon declares it possible for any- one ' to reach 100 years of age gracefully.' This wearing out of the human body is unnecessary and avoidable. Many women, whose health has been carefully guarded, are magnetic and beautiful at fifty and past.' Old age is simply a chronic disease allowed to progress, chronic indigestion—chronic ¦constipation, * * * fermented food passes on into the intestines, a bac- terial poison is formed which, in turn, is thrown into the blood stream to cause auto-intoxication, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, paraly- sis, nervous break-downs, rheumatism, heart diseases and premature old age. When we protect our bodies against the hard wear and tear of indigestion and constipation, we are protecting ourselves against many other diseases and extending our years. * * * The continual taking of crude baking soda and many unknown hit or miss preparations of uncertain origin, violent ' quick acting' physics, and purges (so harsh as to irritate the delicate walls of the stomach and intestines to the point of ulceration) is injurious. Don't expect by these methods to cure stomach trouble and overcome indigestion. I have seen X-Ray pictures of dropped stomachs and sagging intestines lit- erally forced ' down and out' so to speak by drinking drastic, forcing purges until all tone and muscular action was gone. * * * The remedy you use should be scientific enough in its action to produce its own natural lubricity. Machinery may need oil, but you are human. * * * Don't make the mis- take of thinking that poor health is the natural heritage of advancing years. Many men and women of fifty and past not only look young—they are young. Through good digestion and thorough elimination you can maintain vitality and youth through your middle years and well into your later years. Refuse to hurry through life—delay its pleasures full measure to the very end. Give nature a chance and those old abused stomachs that groan, grumble and rebel, intestines that refuse to act but are fertile* breeding grounds for living germs, can again do great work. Do not expect the occasional use of a medicine to conquer indigestion and constipation, use it constantly, daily, according to directions, if you would obtain full benefit. One-fourth of your blood is in the liver at all times. Sluggish liver and poor circulation go hand in hand. The liver also stores up bile, helps to make new blood and controls your blood pressure. Gall stones are also the result of torpid liver and indigestion. So you see how important it is that the stomach remedy you use acts on both the stomach and the liver, if you hope to obtain lasting and satisfactory results. You cannot dissolve gall stones, but you can prevent the further formation of them. * * * Nourish the body, keep it clean of internal poisons and there seems to be no reason why we cannot prolong life far beyond its ordi- nary term. * * * Nature fails us many times unless aided, but from the labors of the centuries comes perfected, scientific medicine. It has been •given us to use to save life, to prolong life. Nothing has ever taken' its place— nothing ever will. Don't ignore those little symptoms of Indigestion * * * Headache * * * Biliousness etc., or somes day they may become a big disease—incurable. Get the genuine Stomach-Rite * * * Insist on Stom- ach-Rite that you may receive the benefits others have received; " (Uri-Tox, carton) "Uri-Tox * * * Restorative * * * Blood Builder. * * * This medicine will be found of great value in nervous exhaustion and where a general building up of the system is required after a severe illness, such as Grippe, Pneumonia, Fevers, Catarrhal conditions, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Neuralgia. * * * Directions: One tablet after each meal. * * * to build up the blood, relieve nervous disorders and nourish the system;" (circular accompanying Uri-Tox) " Uri-Tox * * * Builds you up and makes you strong. * * * Uri-Tox, which is a Blood Builder of unusual merit, a perfect Nerve Tonic and Restorative for the delicate, feeble and aged. * * * The blood gets thin and depreciates with age, and when below normal every tissue in your body suffers. Uri-Tox will do all you can expect of a scientific, reliable Blood Builder and Nerve Tonic * * *. Uri-Tox will be found most valuable in catarrh, weak heart, poor blood, anaemia, sleeplessness, nervous- ness, irritable disposition, shortness of breath, chills or hot flashes, pains in back, rheumatism, poor circulation, pimples, loss of appetite, neuralgia, hair thin of falling out, or any condition arising from poor blood. * * * When in a run-down condition a good tonic should be used. It. does wonders by enriching the blood and nourishing the nerves. Its value cannot be over esti- mated. Good blood also adds great beauty by clearing a poor skin." On December 29, 1931, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court that the products be destroyed by the United States marshal. ARTHUR M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.