19070. Misbranding of Leonard's Mexica Barb-Wire liniment. U. S. v. 2& Small-Sized Bottles, et al., of Leonard's Mexica Barb-Wire Lini- ment. Default decree of destruction. (F. & D. No. 26773. I. S. Nos. 25534, 25535. S. No. 4847.) Examination of a drug product, known as Leonard's Mexica Barb-Wire- liniment, from the shipments herein described having shown that the labeling bore statements representing that the article possessed curative and thera- peutic properties which it did not possess, the Secretary of Agriculture re- ported the matter to the United States attorney for the Western District of Missouri. On July 6, 1931, the United States attorney filed in the District Court of the- United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and condemna- tion of 23 small and 23 large bottles of Leonard's Mexica Barb-Wire liniment, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Kansas City, Mo., alleging' that the article had been shipped by Harry Leonard from Hutchinson, Kans., in part on or about May 23, 1929, and in part on or about September 6, 1930r and had been transported from the State of Missouri, and charging misbrand- ing in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analyses of samples of the article by this department showed that it con- sisted essentially of petroleum oils, fatty oils, and a small proportion of water. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the fol- lowing statements appearing on the bottle label and in the accompanying circular, regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the said article, were- false and fraudulent, since it contained no ingredient or combination of in- gredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Bottle label) "Leonard's- Mexica Barb-Wire Liniment * * * For Barb-Wire Cuts, apply twice a day with a feather. * * * Itch, Scratches, Contracted Hoofs, Distemper, drench with % bottle to % pint milk once a day, swab the nostrils' once a day. Caked Udder, * * * Old Sores, Swellings and Corns, * * * Felons, * * * Dog or Snake Bites, * * * sore Shoulders and Neck, Earache, Cough and Croup in Children, 10 to 30 drops on sugar. Sore Throat, Ton- silitis, Piles, Catarrh, use atomizer. Horse Colic, ^4 bottle to % pint of milk;" (circular) " Leonard's Mexica Barb Wire Liniment * * * For Barb-Wire Cuts—Apply twice a day with a feather. Never pour it on. Never use soap or water or take any stitches if the wound is ragged. Cut the ragged parts off. This liniment * * * will heal up and never leave a scar. Galled Necks and Shoulders—Apply with the hand twice daily. The best gall remedy made. * * * Colic—% of a bottle to % pint of sweet milk. Repeat the dose in half an hour if necessary. Nail Wounds—Saturate a piecer of cotton as large as a hen's egg, place over the wound, put a large bunch of rags or cotton over this and tie over with a sack. This draws all poison and inflammation out in one night. Heaves—Give % of a bottle to % pint of milk three times a week. Also swab the nostrils three times a week. This opens- up all air passages. Distemper—Treat same as for heaves. * * * This- is a prevention of disease. Thrush— * * * Itch— * * * Eczema— Same as for itch. * * * Contracted Hoofs— * * * Poison from Eat- ing Stalks— * * * Roup— * * * put a teaspoonful in the water once a week as a preventive. Boils and Carbuncles— * * * This relieves the pain at once and draws out the pus. Felon— * * * This brings it to a head and never leaves a scar. Caked Udder— * * * Sore, Cracked, or Frosted Teats— * * * This deadens all pain, takes out all soreness, and heals up quickly. Blood Poison—(Great remedy for this.) * * * Snake or Dog Bite— * * * Coughs in Hogs—Drench with % of a bottle twice.- Drenching will stop the cough. * * * Pouring in the water trough once- a week will prevent cholera and coughing. * * * Mange— * * * Tack- Wounds— * * * Nose Bleed— * * * Weak Eyes— * * * Pink Eye or Influenza— * * * Cured 7 head in 7 days with this treatment. * * * Stopping Flow of Blood— * * * Stops flow immediately. * * * Swellings— * * * Calloused Lumps— * * * It may seem* strange to some people that one remedy is good for so many things but nevertheless this has cured every ailment I have mentioned here, for which I have good authority. This is a great Antiseptic * * * Coughs—% tea- spoonful on a teaspoonful of sugar two or three times a day will stop the worst coughs. Croup— * * * Hemorrhage of the Lungs—Teaspoonful on sugar once a day. Sore Throat— * * * Sore Lungs—Apply hot to chest at night, laying on flannel cloth, also apply between shoulder blades. If it produces a flesh puff on the chest (or you may call it a blister but it isn't) just open this and you will find it full of pus. Whooping Cough—Same as ordinary cough. Diphtheria— * * * Bronchitis— * * * Tonsilitig Same as bronchitis. Corns— * * * Bunions— * * * Caked Breast— * * * Bleeding Gums—Apply with cotton. Earache—Warm 5 or 6 drops in a spoon just milk warm, drop in ear. Stops immediately. Toothache— * * * Lame Back— * * * Rheumatism—Same as lame back (Relieves, only.) Weak Eyes— * * * King of All Pile and Catarrh Remedies Piles—If they are inward piles, inject one teaspoonful at night. If protruding, apply with cotton each time after stool. Catarrh—It has never failed. * * * Asthma— * * * (This relieves.) Pneumonia—Don't let anyone discourage you in using this in pneumonia. * * * This relieves in a few minutes. * * * This liniment will not cure Rheumatism nor Asthma, but Relieves. Will not cure Hog Cholera, * * * but it will prevent these." On December 14, 1931, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment was entered finding the product misbranded and ordering that it be de- stroyed by the United States marshal. ARTHTIR M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.