19033. Misbranding1 of Dr. Lee's preventive dentifrice. IT. S. v. 33 Bottles of Dr. Lee's Preventive Dentifrice. Consent decree providing for release of product under bond. (F. & D. No. 26816. 1. S. No. 36191. S. No. 4964.) Examination of Dr. Lee's preventive dentifrice, from the shipment herein described, having shown that the bottle and carton labels and accompanying circular bore statements representing that the article possessed curative and therapeutic properties which it did not possess, the Secretary of Agriculture reported the matter to the United States attorney for the District of Kansas. On August 1, 1931, the United States attorney filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 33 bottles of Dr. Lee's preventive dentifrice at Wichita, Kans., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Dr. Ray O. Lee Laboratories, from Kansas City, Mo., on or about June 13, 1931, and had been transported from the State of Missouri into the State of Kansas, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample taken from this consignment showed that the product consisted essentially of sodium perborate, talc, calcium carbonate, and methyl salicylate. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the following statements regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the said article, appearing in the labeling, were false and fraudulent, since it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Carton) "Dr. Lee's Preventive Dentifrice * * * prevents, helps to correct and eliminate pyorrhea and other infections of the mouth and gums;" (circular) "Dr. Lee's Preventive Dentifrice Dentifrice Formulated and Manufactured By A Specialist in the Care And Preservation Of Teeth And Gums * * * Fill the bristles of the toothbrush with Dr. Lee's Pre- ventive Dentifrice * * * As the gums become firm and healthy * * * A slight stinging sensation may be experienced at the gum margin when the dentifrice is used if there is any infection present. This will disappear in a few days if the directions are followed carefully. * * * Dr. Lee's Preventive Dentifrice firms the gums, gradually healing any soft, spongy, or bleeding tissue. Used as directed, twice a day, it will keep the teeth and gums healthy and prevent the development of pyorrhea in so far as it can be prevented by a safe, non-irritating tooth powder. * * * As a corrective it gives invaluable aid to the dentist in eradicating pyorrhea, * * * and other gingival dis- eases. * * * Facts About Pyorrhea. Pyorrhea is an insidious disease that progresses through its early stages without the warning of pain. In its later stages the gums become discolored, inflamed and spongy. The teeth gradually loosen because the bony structure about their roots is absorbed into the system due to a lack of the necessary mineral salts in the food, especially calcium. Pus sacs or pockets form on the necks of the teeth and between the teeth where the bony foundation beneath the gums has been lowered. Pyorrhea is now recognized as a systemic disease which not only leads to the premature loss of good sets of teeth but, through poisoning the system, may be responsi- ble for serious disorders elsewhere in the body. See Your Dentist When These First Signs Appear. A Red Inflamed Line About the Margin of the Gums, Bleeding of the Gums When Brushed, Foul Odor and Pus From Between the Teeth, Slight Looseness of the Teeth. Then Brush the Teeth and Massage the Gums Twice Daily With Dr. Lee's Preventive Dentifrice. * * * By putting these rules into effect, one by one over a period of several weeks, along with the daily use of Dr. Lee's Preventive Dentifrice, pyorrhea may be prevented in the mouths of persons as yet immune. Persons having pyorrhea can make permanent the immunity effected by the treatment of their dentists, by practic- ing the above food combinations and using Dr. Lee's Tooth Powder; " (bottle label) " Prevents Pyorrhea * * * and is very effective in the treatment of pyorrhea, is healing * * * makes soft bleeding gums firm." On October 3, 1931, Ray O. Lee, Kansas City, Mo., claimant, having admitted the allegations of the libel and having consented to the entry of a decree, judgment was entered ordering that the product be delivered to the claimant to be relabeled with labels consistent with the food and drugs act, upon the execution of a bond in the sum of $500, and that claimant pay all costs. AETHTJB M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.