18928. Adulteration and Misbranding of Lavodin. U. S. v. Twenty-four 16-Ounce Packages, et al., of Lavodin. Default decree of condemna- tion, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. No. 26823. I. S. No. 11161. S. No. 4991.) Examination of a drug product, known as Lavodin, from the shipment herein described showed that the carton and bottle label and an accompanying cir- cular contained statements representing that the article possessed curative and 120442-32 2 therapeutic properties which, in fact, it did not possess. The article was also represented to be an antiseptic, whereas it was not On August 3, 1931, the United States attorney for the District of Oregon, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and con- demnation of twenty-four 16-ounce packages, eighteen 8-ounce packages, and forty-two 4-ounce packages of the said Lavodin, remaining in the original un- broken packages at Portland, Oreg., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Lavodin Co., from Oakland, Calif., in part on or about January 22, 1931, and in part on or about March 17, 1931, and had been transported from the State of California into the State of Oregon, and charging adulteration and misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it con- sisted essentially of small proportions of potassium iodine, sodium chloride, borax, cassia oil, and glycerin, alcohol (7.9 per cent), and water, colored with a red dye. Bacteriological examination showed that the article was not antiseptic. It was alleged in the libel that the article was adulterated in that its strength fell below the professed standard under which it was sold, namely: (Carton) "An Ideal Antiseptic * * * No Germ Can Live In It; " (bottle) " No Germ Can Live In It. * * * An Iodine Antiseptic;" (circular) "An Iodine Anti- septic * * * No Germ Can Live In It." Misbranding was alleged for the reason that the following statements appear- ing in the labeling were false and misleading: (Carton) "An Ideal Anti- septic * * * No Germ Can Live In It. * * * tests by reputable laboratories show that no germ can live in it;" (bottle) " No Germ Can Live In It. * * * An Iodine Antiseptic * * * prevents the Germ Laden Toothbrush, * * * tests by reputable laboratories show that no germ can live in it;" (circular) "An Iodine Antiseptic * * * allowing it sufficient time to produce its * * * antiseptic action. * * * by its wonder- ful * * * antiseptic action. It also guards against the germ-laden tooth brush. * * * The originator of this iodine antiseptic is a physician and surgeon, and also a chemist. After eleven years of study in compounding this iodine solution, he has secured the desired results by producing an anti- septic that, according to laboratory tests, shows that 'No Germ Can Live In It.' * * * Lav-O-Din is an antiseptic needed in every household. Its uses are many because of the antiseptic and healing qualities of this product. In order to combat disease the germ must be destroyed. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the following statements regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the article were false and fraudulent, since it con- tained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Carton) " For Pyorrhea * * * trench month, spongy and bleeding gums full strength-hold in the mouth from 3 to 5 minutes or apply on affected parts with gauze well saturated, allowing it sufficient time to produce its * * * antiseptic action. * * * As a Spray-Prevents In- fection * * * Retards tooth decay and receding gums by its wonder- ful * * * antiseptic action. Also prevents the Germ Laden Toothbrush, which is a menace to the health of the gums. * * * For infections, wounds, cuts, boils, abscesses, carbuncles, running sores, * * * erysipelas, itching eczema, * * * In sore throat, tonsilitis, quinsy * * * Nasal catarrh;", (circular) "Sore Throat, Quinsy, Tonsilitis, Acute and Chronic Inflammation of the Throat. * * * Bleeding Gums * * * Pyorrhea, Trench Mouth, * * * Spongy * * * Gums Use Lav-O-Din 25 per cent to full strength as a mouth wash, retaining from three to five minutes. Or apply full strength with gauze well saturated, allowing it sufficient time to produce its * * * antiseptic action. * * * It retards tooth decay and receding gums * * * Prevent Pyorrhea by using Lav-O-Din daily and visiting your dentist four times a year. * * * Cuts and Wounds. Lav-O-Din is valuable as a first aid in case of accident. Leaving an infection is dangerous. Use Lav-O-Din as a moist dressing, full strength, * * * Nasal Conditions, Nasal Catarrh, Hay Fever, * * * And all Infections of the Nasal Cavity * * * Guard Against Disease in Time of Epidemics. Use Lav-O-Din as a spray in oral and nasal cavities;" (bottle) "For pyorrhea, trench mouth, * * * spongy and bleeding gums, full strength-hold in the mouth from 3 to 5 minutes or apply on affected parts with gauze well saturated, allowing it sufficient time to pro- duce * * * antiseptic action. * * * Retards tooth decay and receding gums by its wonderful * * * antiseptic action. Also prevents the Germ Laden Toothbrush, which is a menace to the health of the gums. * * * For infections, wounds, cuts, boils, abscesses, carbuncles, running sores, * * * erysipelas, itching eczema, piles in all forms, * * * In sore throat, ton- silitis, quinsy * * * Nasal catarrh." On November 7, 1931, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. AETHUB M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.