18460. Misbranding of Murrmann's cokuponnd. XJ. S. v. 2Va Dozen Bottles of Mnrriuann's Compound. Default decree of condemnation, for- feiture, and destruction. (F. & D. No. 25839. I. S. No. 8119. S. No. 4049.) Examination of a drug product, known as Murrmann's compound, from the shipment herein described having shown that bottie and carton labels and accompanying circular bore statements representing that the article possessed curative and therapeutic properties which it did not possess, the Secretary of Agriculture reported the matter to the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee. On January 31, 1931, the United States attorney filed in the District Court of the United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and con- demnation of 2^2 dozen bottles of Murrmann's compound, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Knoxville, Tenn., alleging that the article had been shipped by the D. W. Price Co., from Toledo, Ohio, on or about March 21, 1928, and had been transported from the State of Ohio into the State of Tennessee, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it con- sisted essentially of wood creosote, a small proportion of an iron compound, a large proportion of sugar, and water. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the follow- ing statements appearing on the bottie and carton labels and in the circular, regarding the curative or therapeutic effects of the said article, were false and fraudulent, since it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed, and would not be effective in the treatment of disease or the prevention thereof as claimed: (Carton) " For Functional Disorders of the Lungs and all Ailments arising from Coughs * * * For the Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma;" (bottle) "For Functional Disorder of the Lungs and All Ailments arising from Coughs * * * For Adults-Severe cases of Lung Trouble, Asthma & Bronchitis;" (circular) " For Functional Disorders of the Lungs and All Ailments arising from Coughs * * * A man died in Danville the other day from tuberculosis. But the history of the case showed that it all started with a cough that was neglected, went down and hung on. * * * Don't neglect that deep cough. Begin now with * * * the approved and effective formula for lung coughs, asthma, bronchitis and all diseases of the respiratory orKans. * * * Notice! * * * In cases of severe lung trouble, remember * * * is a Lung Medicine and do not stop until you have taken several bottles. By that time you will find that your lungs are greatly improved. Keep right on until you are well. * * * Lung Sufferers! Asthma Sufferers! * * * Beware! The cough * * * that hangs on is a danger signal and leads to Lung Trouble, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh of the head and all other respiratory diseases. You can stop them now with * * * a Medical Discovery with immediate results and actions, which soothes and heals the infected membranes and attacks the seat of the trouble. * * * It goes into the stomach and is absorbed in the blood and soothes and heals the inflamed throat, lungs and bronchial tubes and builds up the system. * * * Take * * * and Heal Up Your Lungs. It is a well known fact that * * * has produced some very marvelous effects in tuberculosis * * * Pneumonia is a dangerous sickness caused by coughs * * * You may stop all this by taking a few doses of Murrmann's Compound. * * * I can't praise Murrmann's Com- pound enough for what it has and is doing for my girl. She had always been sick with lung trouble and the past summer was down. * * * She began taking it at Christmas and was able to go to school again after Christmas holidays. Now the swelling has left her and she has gained in weight. * * * Saved my baby * * * My 13 months old baby had measles and whooping cough which settled on his lungs. * * * Now after two bottles he eats anything, walks, sleeps and is a big fat baby. * * * At last the Dr. said his lungs were entirely healed. My children all had the flu, all I gave them was your medicine. They are all fine healthy children. * * * Bad cases of Lung Trouble * * * my lungs became affected. I kept getting worse till I became bed fast. I lost my voice and thought it was my last days. * * * I did not see much change on the first bottle but mother said it was only another chance and bought another bottle. My voice came back and by the time I took six bottles I was able to go back to work but it was too hard so got other outside work. Now I am back at my old job and feeling fine. * * * Could not go to school-Goes Every Day Now. Our eight year old daughter has had asthma for years, * * * December 26 and is now going to school every day. She has never been sick a day since she began - on the medicine. * * * Asthma. I had my lungs examined last summer. Doctor said I had a good throat and a pair of good lungs. About 10 years ago I had the asthma real bad. * * * I took two bottles. It has never come back on me yet. * * * Run Down Condition * * * Most babies are born healthy. But some get in a run down condition-one or two bottles * * * will get them over their trouble and start them right. * * * Would You Like to be Free From Lung Trouble? * * * Killed by a Cold Not at once, of course, but thousands die annually because a cold hung1 on and they couldn't shake it. That's the trouble with a cold. It seems like such a little thing, but if it gets to your lungs and sticks you are in a peck of trouble. Right now is the time to stop fooling with simple home methods and start a real healing agent to work. * * * attacks the germs, heals the inflamed tissues and builds up the entire system. Also very beneficial for bronchial coughs and asthma. Pneumonia is a sickness caused by catching cold and it develops into a high fever and can be prevented by having a bottle of * * * and giving a few doses. * * * I took cold, settled on my lungs and I began, to lose in weight. Couldn't eat or sleep. * * * I had my lungs examined and found them in very bad condition. * * * I was bed fast three months. * * * I took two samples within a week. I noticed a change for the better. Have taken five bottles, now I am able to work, go anywhere, enjoy myself, eat, sleep, haven't that tired feeling any more. * * * I could not eat or sleep, was real sick. Hadn't worked for 16 months. I had a heavy pressure on my chest. My stomach was all out of order . In fact, I was in a run down condition. * * * I have taken 3 bottles. I am entirely well. * * * My seven months old baby was in a rundown condition from the effects of Pneumonia fever; she was real sick. * * * I began giving it to her, and it helped her right away. Now she has taken about a bottle and is in a healthy condition and stands up. * * * 1925 I coughed all summer and winter. Tried everything I could hear of but nothing done me any good. * * * the report said you have T. B. * * * I started taking * * * and I saw it was doing me good, so in 1926 X sent another test to Springfield and the report said there was no T. B. germs found and I am working now and gaining in weight, * * * I do believe I would have been dead before this time if I hadn't took * * * For several months I had almost been a nervous wreck, and I began to take * * * Before I had taken my first bottle I had began to eat and gain in weight. I gained eight pounds * * * If you are all run down, feel tired and worn out, just try a bottle of * * * Last fall I was sent away for four months on account of my lungs. * * * something went wrong with my stomach. I began to lose weight. * * * I began taking * * * have had my lungs examined * * * and found them in good shape. * * * I have had them ex-rayed and was told that my lungs were entirely well. * * * My children were always ailing with some little children troubles such as colds, fever, sore throat, coming home sick from school. Now I just give them a few doses of * * * They seem to get relief right away. * * * My boy's lungs were in bad shape. He was bedfast for 11 weeks and was ordered not to go to school during the balance of the term. * * * we began giving it to him. He commenced to gain at once. After taking two bottles he gained ten pounds. He returned to school after Christmas and continued to improve right along. * * * had his lungs examined and found that they were entirely healed. * * * It is indeed a great pleasure for me to tell how miraculously I was relieved of Asthma. I had the Asthma for years." On June 5, 1931, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. AETHUB M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.