18100. Misbranding of Dr. Brisradell's Campborole. IT. S. v. 36 Dozen Small-Sized Jars, et al., of Dr. Brigadell's Campborole. Decrees of condemnation and forfeiture entered. Product released under bond. (F. & D. Nos. 25851, 25872, 25913. I. S. Nos. 15700, 27812, 27853,. 27857, 27858, 27859. S. Nos. 4057, 4088, 4164.) Examination of a drug product, known as Dr. Brigadell's Camphorole, from the shipments herein described having shown that the jar labels and accompa- nying circular contained statements representing that the article possessed curative and therapeutic properties which it did not, the Secretary of Agri- culture reported the matter to the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. t On February 2, February 3, February 6, and February 14, 1931, the United States attorney filed in the District Court of the United States for the district, aforesaid libels praying seizure and condemnation q? 8QJ? dozen small jars and. 8 11/12 dozen large jars of Dr. Brigadell's Camphorole, remaining in the origitral unbroken packages at Philadelphia, Pa., consigned in part under the name of the Camphorole Laboratories and in part under the name of Cam- phorole (Inc.), from Atlantic City, N. J., alleging-that the article had been shipped from Atlantic City, N. J., in various consignments on or about May 8 and November 10, 1930, and January 14, January 28, and January 29, 1931, and had been transported from the State of New Jersey into the State of Pennsyl- vania, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it con- sisted essentially of an ointment with a petrolatum base containing camphor, menthol, and eucalyptol. It was alleged in the libels that the article was misbranded in that the following statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the said article, appearing in the labeling, were false and fraudulent, since it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Circular) "Catarrh of the Nose * * * Catarrh of the Throat. This condition is generally caused by disease in the nose, tonsils or'adenoids. * * * insert a little * * * about the size of a cent on back of tongue and let it dissolve slowly "* * * bronchitis * * * In acute cases it is generally an extension of a cold in head or sore throat that worked its way down to the * * * bronchial tubes * * * If you do not take good care of this condition it may work its way downward to cause Pneumonia. Cam- phorole should be inhaled by the 'Vapor' * * * Tonsilitis, Raw Sore Throat * * * Hacking Cough * * * Hay Fever * * * Whooping Cough * * * Acute Sore Throat, * * * Sinus Diseases of the Nose * * * Asthma * * * Catarrhal Deafness. This condition is seldom cured, if long standing. If you will use Camphorole as directed under Catarrh of the Nose, you will frequently be able to control it and often prevent total deafness. * * * Head Noises are symptoms caused by catarrhal trouble of middle and inner ear. * * * Earache * * * Spasmodic Croup * * * an ideal treatment for Rheumatism and various forms of inflammation and congestion * * * Rheumatism is a condition which is caused by some infection in the body, and absorbed into the blood as it flows through the system, and may lodge in any joint, muscle or tissue. * * * The stiffness and pain in joint or muscles is reduced by using Camphorole freely. * * * Rheumatism-Acute * * * Spread * * * freely over surface and rub in gently, * * * In stuhborn cases, do not hesitate to use * * * fre- quently * * * Rheumatism-Chronic * * * Be sure to rub * * * in well on chronic cases, * * * Lumbago in the Back is soreness of muscles over kidneys and above the hips. * * * Neuritis, Sciatica and Neuralgia Pains * * * Do not be afraid to use frequently * *. * Arthritis is a congestion or inflammation of the joints. * * * should be rubbed gently into the skin surrounding the joint in acute cases; but chronic cases rub in well, * * * Itching Eczema * * * Sagging Chin and Wrinkled Skin * * * It stimulates the circulation, tones up the sagging muscles and leaves the skin soft and smooth. * * * Varicose Veins. Simply apply * * * but do not rub; * * * Goitre-Enlarged Gland * * * for * * * Inflamed Bunions * * * Sleeplessness Due to tired excited nerves. Apply * * * back of ears, over temples and back of neck, * * * Mumps is an infection of the Parotid Gland * * * Apply * * * and cover with flannel and stay abed. Miner's Asthma * * * Use as directed under As'hma. * * * Domestic Animals Goitre in Dogs. Apply * * * and massage in well. Pneumonia in Dogs * * * spread * * * ' on freely around neck, chest and between fore legs. * * * Rheumatism in Dogs * * * Apply * * * freely, rub in * * * Horse's * * * Pneu- monia * * * spread on * * * thickly between the fore legs, over the lungs and chest; " (small label) " Sore Tight Chest, Bronchitis and Spasmodic Croup * * * Raw Sore Throat, Deep Seated * * * and Stubborn Cough * * * Catarrh of Nose, Throat, Asthma * * * Rheumatism- Spread * * * freely on stiff rwollen joint or inflamed swollen surface." On March 23, 1931. claims for the property having been entered in the name of Camphorole (Inc.), Atlantic City, N. J., judgments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be released to the claimant upon payment of costs and the execution of bonds totaling $250, conditioned in part that it be relabeled under the supervision of this department. ARTHUR M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.