18099. Misbranding of Tanlac rheumatism treatment. V. S. v. One Dozen Packages of Tanlac Rheumatism Treament. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. ' & D. No. 25553, I. S. No. 11975. S. No. 3786.) Examination of a drug product, known as Tanlac rheumatism treatment, -showed that it consisted of a liniment and tablets, that the liniment contained less alcohol than declared on the label, and that the carton, bottle label of -the liniment, the label of the box containing the tablets, and the accompanying ., circular bore statements representing that the preparation possessed certain ' curative and therapeutic properties which it did not. On December 29, 1930, the United States attorney for the District of Colorado, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District . Court of the United States for the district aforesaid a libel praying seizure and condemnation of one "dozen packages of the said Tanlac rheumatism " treatment, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Denver, Colo., consigned by the International Proprietaries (Inc.), Dayton, Ohio, alleging that the article had been shipped from Daytorn, Ohio, on or about January 2, 1930, and had been transported from the State of Ohio into the State of Colo- rado, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as - amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it con- sisted of a liniment and tablets. Tlie liniment conta:ned alcohol (45 per cent), chloroform, volatile oils including methyl salicylate, camphor, euca- lyptus oil, mustard oil, soap, and water. The tablets contained acetylsalic3lic acid (4.2 grains each), and extracts of plant drugs including a resin. . It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the pack- age failed to bear a statement on the label of the quantity or proportion of( alcohol contained therein, since the statement made was incorrect. Misbrand- ing was alleged for the further reason that the statement on the label of the bottle containing the liniment, "Alcohol 63% by Volume," was false and mis- leading. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the following: statements appearing in the labeling of the article, regarding its curative and therapeutic effects, were false and fraudulent, since it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Carton) " Tanlac Rheumatism Treatment for Subacute and Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints and Muscles, Gout and Neuralgia of a Rheumatic or Gouty Nature * * * Tanlac Rheumatism Treatment * * * The Internal preparation consists of a package of tablets which are designed * * * to assist nature in overcoming subacute and chronic rheumatism of the joints and muscles. The External part of the treatment is a bottle of Tanlac Liniment which is an exceptionally penetrating application used to aid in rel eving * * * stiffness of the muscles and joints. * * * Tanlac Rheumatism Treatment will be found of great aid in cases of Neuralgia of a Rheumatic Nature;" (bottle label of Tanlac liniment) " This excellent preparation is used in con- nection with Tanlac Rheumatism Tablets for the pain from Sub-Acute and Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints and Muscles. Tanlac Liniment is also- unexcelled as an external application for * * * stiff muscles and joints;" (label on box containing tablets) " Tanlac Rheumatism Tablets for Subacute and Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints and Muscles, Gout and Neuralgia of a Rheumatic or Gouty Nature. * * * Directions: Take 1 Tablet after each meal. In cases where the patient is bedridden or is not eating regularly take one tablet 3 times a day;" (Circular) "Tanlac Rheumatic Treatment A preparation for the Treatment of Sub-acute and Chronic Rheumatism of the Joints and Muscles, Gout and the Various Forms of Neuralgia. Tanlac Rheu- matic Treatment is a combination treatment consisting of * * * tablets * * * and an exceptionally penetrating medicated oil or lin.ment which is- used to reduce congestion * * * and aid in securing the proper How of blood through the affected parts. It is a * * * preparation for the treat- ment-of sub-acute and chronic rheumatism of the joints and muscles, gout, and the various forms of neuralgia of a rheumatic or gouty nature. Sore,, painful, stiff or aching joints and muscles are evidences of these' forms of rheumatism, and the suffering is usually increased by exposure, damp, rainy weather, colds, etc. There is reason to believe that, outside of the infectious forms these types of rheumatism are produced by poisons formed in the in- testinal tract which are not properly eliminated by the bowels, kidneys and skin, and are carried through the system by the blood and deposited in the joints, tissues and various orKans. Therefore, to obtain relief it is necessary to dissolve these poisons and expel them from the system. Tanlac Rheumatic Treatment Is especially designed to establish proper elimination by the bowels, kidneys and skin, thus relieving the joints and tissues of accumulated matter. It is also calculated to promote digestion and assimilat on so as to secure proper circulation of rich, nourishing blood in the parts affected. Directions: Take one tablet 3 to 4 times a day. The dose may be gradually increased to 2 or 3 tablets." On March 14, 1931, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. ABTHUE M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.