17438. Misbranding of dairy feed. U. S. v. 100 Sacks of Dairy Ration, et al. Product ordered released under bond. (F. & D. No. 24283. I. S. Nos. 021673, 021674. S. No. 2525.) Samples of stock feed from the shipments herein described having been found to contain less protein and fat and more crude fiber than declared on the labels, the Secretary of Agriculture reported the facts to the United States attorney for the Eastern District of South Carolina. On November 26, 1929, the United States attorney filed in the District Court of the United States for said district libels praying seizure and condemnation of 140 bags of dairy feed, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Columbia, S. C, alleging that the article had been shipped by the Atlantic Milling Co., from Augusta, Ga., on October 25, 1929 and transported from the State of Georgia into the State of South Carolina, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act. A portion of the article was labeled in part: " Cum- berland Dairy Ration Manufactured by Atlantic Milling Company, Augusta, Ga. Guaranteed Analysis Protein 20% Fat 5% Fibre 8%." The remainder of the said article was labeled in part: "Atlantic Dairy Feed Manufactured by Atlantic Milling Company, Augusta, Ga. Guaranteed Analysis Protein 24%, Fat 5% Carbohydrates 53% Fibre 9%." Misbranding of the product labeled, "Atlantic Dairy Feed," was alleged in the libel for the reason that the statements on the labels, " Guaranteed Analysis Protein 24%; Fat 5%; Carbohydrates 54[53]%, Fibre 9%," were false and misleading. Misbranding of the product labeled " Cumberland Dairy Ration," was alleged for the reason that the statements" on the labels, " Guaranteed Analysis Protein 24[20]%; Fat 5%; and Fibre 9[8]%," were false and mis- leading. The charge recommended by this department relative to the said Cumberland dairy ration was that the statements on the label, " Guaranteed Analysis Protein 20%; Fat 5%; Fibre 8%," were false and misleading and deceived and mislead the purchaser. On February 5, 1930, the Atlantic Milling Co., Augusta, Ga., having appeared as claimant for the property and having admitted the material allegations of the libels, judgments were entered ordering that the product be released to the said claimant upon payment of costs and the execution of bonds totaling $500, conditioned in part that it should not be sold or disposed of until re- labeled in part as follows: (Cumberland dairy ration) "Protein 18.8%, Fat 3.8%, Fiber 9.35%;" (Atlantic dairy feed) "Protein 20.7% Fat 3.9%, Fiber 9.5%." ABTHTJB M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.