1.7100. Adulteratlon and Misbranding of Dr. Hollle's reducing crackers. U. S. v. 8 Dozen Packages of Dr. Hollle's Reducing Crackers. De- fault decree of condemnation and destruction. (F. & D. No. 23840. S. No. 2056.) On July 1, 1929, the United States attorney for the District of Columbia, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Supreme ?Court of the district aforesaid, holding a District Court, a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 8 dozen packages of Dr. Hollie's reducing crackers, re- maining in the original unbroken packages at Washington, D. C, alleging that the article had been shipped by the Cubbison Cracker Co., from Los Angeles, ?Calif., in two shipments, on or about June 7, 1929, and June 8, 1929, respec- tively, and transported from the State of California into the District of Colum- bia, and charging adulteration and misbranding in violation of the food and ?drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it is a brown wheat cracker containing alfalfa, starch (58 per cent), fatty acids (6 per cent), and a little senna. It was alleged in the libel that the article was adulterated in violation of section 7 of the act, paragraphs 2 and 5 under food, in that senna had been substituted in part for the said article, and in that it contained an added ?deleterious ingredient, senna, which might have rendered it injurious to health. Misbranding of the article in violation of section 8 of the act, general par- agraph, and paragraph 3 as amended, under drugs, was alleged for the reason that the statement on the carton, "This cracker is a non-fat building food," was false and misleading, and for the further reason that the following state- ments appearing on the carton label and in the accompanying circular, regard- ing the curative and therapeutic effects of the article, were false and fraudu- lent, since the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Carton) "Some Foods will Build Fat. Others will Reduce It. This Cracker is a non-fat building food. Two Pounds a Week is Safe to Reduce. Reducing Crackers, Two Crackers with every Meal-In a Week See How Much Thinner you Feel. * * * Reducing with Food, Why Not! Food is what we are built of, and it will either build or reduce weight. People who are carrying excess weight are not necessarily sick. In fact, most of them are very healthy and happy. But if one has to run for a street car sometimes, or your dancing partner can't reach his arm around your precious anatomy, and right there and then you decide you want to reduce. Here Are A Few Rules. Bat less candy and things made with white sugar; drink more water and less coffee and tea; eat more greens and less meat and butter; take a good hot salt bath every night, as follows: Put half pound epsom salts and half pound plain salt in bath tub; fill the tub with about five inches of hot water, then cover the tub with a blanket to keep in steam, then while in the tub (keep the head out and cool) turn on a small' stream of hot water until tub is filled, stay in and perspire for fifteen or twenty minutes. Drink lot of water before entering the tub." Take two or three of Dr. HoUie's Reducing Crackers with every meal; they are made of greens, like spinach, endive, etc., herbs, like dandelion, licorice, etc., oil for shortening. They are safe for anyone and not only reduce, but build up the general condition of health and beauty;" and (circular) " Dr. HoUie's Reducing Wafers Goodbye Fat! Dr. HoUie's Reducing Wafer wiU do it. Take two or three of Dr. HoUie's Reducing Wafers with every meal. They will not only reduce, but help build up the general condition of health and beauty." On February 6, 1930, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. ARTHUR M. HYDE, Secretary of AgricuJture.