17099. Misbranding of Dr. Barker's laxative cold tablets and quinine bydrobromate laxative tablets. U. S. v. 6% Dozen Packages of Dr. Barker's Laxative Cold Tablets, et al. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. Nos. 24348, 24349. I. S. Nos. 017109, 017110. S. No. 2603.) On December 13, 1929, the United States attorney for the District of Co- [ lumbia, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Supreme Court of the district aforesaid, holding a District Court, libels pray- ing seizure and condemnation of 6% dozen packages of Dr. Barker's laxative ?cold tablets and 10% dozen packages of quinine hydrobromate laxative tab- lets at Washington, D. C, alleging that the articles were being sold and of- fered for sale in the original packages by Thomas F. Burch & Co. (Inc.), in Washington, D. C, and charging .misbranding in violation of the food and -drugs act as amended. Analyses of samples of the articles by this department showed that Dr. Barker's laxative cold tablets contained acetanilide, caffeine, capsicum, and podophyllin; and that the quinine hydrobromate tablets contained compounds of alkaloids including quinine, cinchonine, and strychnine, aloin, podophyllin, sulphates, and bromates. It was alleged in the libels that the articles were misbranded in that the following statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of the said articles, borne on the respective carton labels, were false and fraudulent, since they contained no ingredients or combinations of ingredients capable ?of producing the effects claimed: (Dr. Barker's laxative cold tablets) "For LaGrippe * * * The Best Remedy for Cough * * * Headache;" (quinine hydrobromate laxative tablets) "An excellent remedy for * * * Neuralgia & Headache. A few doses will relieve * * * any Headache or Feverish Condition. * * * For Headache * * * until relieved. * * * For La Grippe Headache." On February 26, 1930, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court that the products be destroyed by the United States marshal. ARTHtrE M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.