1660&. Misbranding ?f tankage. IT. S, -v. 400 Bags, et al? of Bon-O-Fat Tankage. Decrees of condemnation entered. Product released under bond. (F. & D. Nos. 23135, 23136, 23137. I. S. Nos. 18935-x, 18937-x, 18938-x. S. Nos. 983, 984, 985.) On or about June 13, 1929, the United States attorney for the District of Kansas, acting upon a report by an official of the State of Kansas, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district libels praying seizure and condemnation of eight hundred 100-pound bags, and 20 tons of 100 pound bags of so-called Bon-O-Fat tankage, remaining in the unbroken packages in various lots at Clay Center, Cuba, and Cawker City, Kans., respectively, alleging that the article had been sold by the Pan American Feed Co., Kansas City, Mo., to various firms at Clay Center, Cuba, and Cawker City, Kans., and had been transported in interstate commerce from the State of Missouri into the State of Kansas, in various consignments, on or about May 3, May 8, and May 15, l&>&t respectively, and charging misbranding in violation of the food ;and drugs act. It was alleged in the libels that the article was misbranded in that the |label on the said bags was calculated to deceive and mislead the purchaser to |believe that he was purchasing a product, to wit, tankage, which is a kind of | flesh meal prepared from the refuse, meat, entrails, and other offal that accumulate in slaughterhouses where animals are slaughtered for food, whereas I the product contained in said bags was not such tankage but was in whole or in ?part a product of a different nature, obtained from other sources and was not jLtankage as above defined. On June 14, 1929, the Pan American Feed Co., Kansas City, Mo., having lappeared as claimant for the property and having consented to the entry of [decrees, judgments were entered finding the product misbranded and ordering [ tp condemnation, and it was further ordered by the court that the product be ^released to the said claimant upon payment of costs and the execution of sbonds totaling $1,500, conditioned in part that it be rebranded to show its true leontents. ABTHUB, M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.