fe592. Misbranding of Kalis' laxative Fin-Caps. TJ. S. v. 89*/2 Bozen Paclc- j- ages of Kails Laxative Flm-Caps. Decree of condemnation and b forfeiture. Product released nnder bond. (F. & D, No. 23S67. I. S I No. 08388 S. No. 1521 ) ^On February 5, 1929, the United States attorney for the Southern District t Iowa, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in fhe District Court of the United States for said district a libel praying seizure md condemnation of 89% dozen packages of Kalis' laxative Flu-Caps, remain- article had been shipped by Murray C. Kalis & Co., St. Joseph, Mo., January*! 7, 1929, and transported from the State of Missouri into the State of Iowa, andf| charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that the.| capsules contained capsicum, ginger, aloin, acetanilide, asafoetida, camphor,! magnesium sulphate, and extracts of plant drugs including a laxative drug. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the; following statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effects of said: article, appearing in the label, (carton container) " Flu-Caps for * * * Grip and Influenza * * "'" A strictly meritorious remedy for * * * ^ Bilious* Fever, Dengue, Chilla, Malaria, LaGrip, and 'Flu.' * " * Directions: To * * * check the ' flu,' take one capsule with a glassful of water two hours apart until three consecutive doses are taken; then one capsule every three or * four hours until entirely rid of cold. To relieve Headache, Neuralgia, Aching j Bones, or to Reduce Fever, take one capsule every two hours until relieved,,! * * * Kalis' Laxative ' Flu-Caps.' Had their origin during the ' flu' epi-/ demic of 1918 and have proven of inestimable value in combating * * * LaGrip, Bilious Fever, Aching Bones, Chills, Fever, Malaria and as a preventa- * tive against the ' flu' and Pneumonia. They act directly on the liver and = bowels, ridding the system of its impurities and fortifying the body against further attack from * * * Grip," (circular) "An Ounce of Prevention Is; Worth a Pound of Cure,' * * * 'Flu-Caps' will * * * Prevent the; 'Flu.' These Capsules had their origin during the 'flu' epidemic of 1918 and": have proven of inestimable value in combating * * * LaGrippe, Bilious- Fever, Malaria, Chills, Influenza and Pneumonia. They act directly on the liver * * * ridding the system of its impurities and fortifying the body, against further attack from * * * grippe and 'flu.' Directions: To. * * * check the ' flu,' take one capsule with a glass full of water one orj two hours apart until three consecutive doses are taken; then one capsule -' every three or four hours until entirely rid of the cold. To relieve headache, neuralgia, aching bones, or to reduce fever, take one capsule every two hours' until relieved. * * * The First Dose Will Ease Your Cough," were false | and fraudulent in that the article contained no ingredients or combination of- ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed. On April 16, 1929, Murray C. Kalis & Co., St. Joseph, Mo., having appeared; as claimant for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be released to thei said claimant upon payment of costs and the execution of a bond in the gum! of $500, conditioned in part that it be relabeled to conform with the law. AETHUK M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.