16425. Misbranding of Ru-Bon. U. S. v. 10 Bottles of En-Bon No. 2, et'a-I. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. No. 23102. I. S. Nos. 0255, 0256. S. Nos.. 1155.) On September 20, 1928, the United States attorney for the Western District of Washington, acting upon a repqrt by the Secretary,;of;A^culture, filed in the District Court of the United States-for said district a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 10 bottles of Ru-Bon No. 2 and 6 dozen bottles of Ru-Bon No. 3, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Tacoma, Wash., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Ru-Bon Chemical Co., Kansas City, Mo., and transported from the State of Missouri into the State of Washington, arriving at Tacoma on or about August 10, 1928, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analyses of samples of the articles by this department showed that Ru-Bon. No. 2 consisted essentially of chrysarobin, salicylic acid, resorcin, glycerin, vola- tile oils including oil of bay, alcohol, and water; and Ru-Bon No. 3 consisted essentially of resorcin, salicylic acid, chrysarobin, volatile oils including oil of bay, glycerin, alcohol, and water. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the follow- ing statements appearing on the labeling were false and' fraudulent, since the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of pro- ducing the effects claimed: (Ru-Bon No. 2, carton) "A * * * Remedy for Eczema. For all varieties of Eczema, properly defined, whether chronic or acute. *? * * For Eczema * * * Use No. 2; * * * For Eczema of Scalp. Use No. 2 * * * For Common Acne and Pimples. Use No. 2; * * * The Ru-Bon compounds, * * * constitute * * * purifiers and naturalizers of skin affections. They have been formulated primarily for Eczemas, the skin diseases commonly so recognized, variously manifested and variously defined;" (bottle label) "For Dry, Stubborn, Chronic Eczema, * * * Acne;" (circular) "The Ru-Bon Remedies. Read * * * The Story of * * * Mr. Minter * * * ? healing himself of eczema (Psoria- sis). The thorough Testing of the prescriptions before offering to the public. The Differentiation of the three prescriptions in the treatment of Eczema. * * * After having been troubled with Eczema for some thirty odd years, I was cured by Ru-Bon * * * I used Remedy No. 2 every night, keeping the eczema spots covered. * * * I was troubled with eczema on my feet for over three years * * * I use Ru-Bon; it cured me in about three weeks, * * * I want those who suffer with eczema to have a chance to get the relief which your remedies will surely give them, * * * I am sending you the worst'cases of eczema I know of and hope Ru-Bon may do for each of them what it has done for me. * * * My little girl has Eczema very bad. Mr. Henry Ochner tells me you have a good remedy. * * * The little girl is cured. * * * I have had Eczema on my leg for eighteen months * * ? * I used two bottles of each, and Ru-Bon remedies cured me. I would take pleasure in rec- ommending them to any one afflicted with eczema, * * * While this is not difficult, the ailments being of common occurrence and of easy recognition, stdl Eczema, the disease for which this remedy has been primarily formulated, has varied forms and manifestations as it affects various individuals * * * the essential thing being to put the corrective agents contained in Ru-Bon in contact with the roots of the trouble * * * So Ru-Bon No. 2 is the prescription for use when a more vigorous attack upon the disease must be made * * * chronic conditions * * * must be penetrated, resolved and overcome. * * * For crusted, sealed, chronic eczema * * * Tetter, Salt Bheum, Acne. For Besolvent of Dandruff. * * * For common Acne and pimples; " (Bu-Bon No. 3, bottle label) " The Standard Bu-Bon Prescription for Eczema-^ Tetter, Salt Bheum * * * Leg Ulcers.-For Piles * * * First Aid for Poison Ivy, * * * all Parasitic Affections, * * * Scalds and Burns * * * Besolvent for Dandruff. For ' Weeping' Eczema, poison ivy * * * For Infantile Eczema, and for children in skin affections, * * * For Dan- druff * * * For Burns and Scalds;" (small notice) "Number 3 is the weakest number and the only one necessary for 80 per cent of ordinary skin troubles;" (carton) "For Eczema For all varieties of Eczema, properly de- fined, whether chronic or acute. For relief from Itchings, Eruptions, Salt Bheum * * * First aid for Scalds, Burns, Poison Ivy * * * all para- sitic infections. Besolvent Of Dandruff. * * * For ' Weeping' Eczema, Poison Ivy or any tender sore skin * * * For Infantile Eczema, and for children in all skin affections * * * For dandruff * * . * For burns and scalds. This is the Ru-Bon prescription most commonly used for the usual forms and ordinary cases of Eczema. Unless complicated by formations of hard scales, crusts or callouses, Bu-Bon No. 3 will, unaided by the stronger prescription, cleanse and remove the affections and restore healthy conditions. * * * Ru-Bon No. 3 is likewise used to check the first approaches of Eczema when detected; especially to check developments should symptoms reappear * * * first aid remedy, for parasitic poisons, * * * purifiers * * * naturalizers of skin affections. They have been formulated primarily for Eczemas, the skin diseases commonly so recognized, variously manifested and variously defined * * * has cc'me recognition of their remarkable prop- erties in treatment of many skin diseases, akin in fact or in popular concep- tion, to that for which they were primarily formulated * *. * is peculiarly suited to the ordinary manifestations and course of eczema; * * * Its efficiency in multiplied skin troubles;" (circular) "The Ru-Bon Remedies Read * * * The story of the Discovery and the Development of Ru-Bon by Mr. Minter while heal- ing himself of Eczema (Psoriasis). * * * The Differentiation of the three pre- scriptions in the treatment of Eczema. * * * I was troubled with Eczema on my feet for over three years; * * * Ru-Bon; it cured me in about three weeks. * * * I have been using Ru-Bon just two weeks; my im- provement is wonderful; * * * I rest splendidly at night. * * * You asked me to send you names of persons afflicted with eczema * * * I want those who suffer with eczema to Have a chance to get the relief which your remedies will surely give them. * * * I am sending you the worst cases of eczema I know of and I hope Ru-Bon may do for each of them what it has done for me. * * * My little girl has Eczema very bad. Mr. Henry Ochner tells me you have a good remedy. *' * *. The little girl is cured. * * * I have had Eczema on my leg for eighteen months * * * I used two bottles of each, and Ru-Bon Remedies cured me. I would take pleasure in recommending them to any one afflicted with eczema, * * * Whle this is not difficult, the ailments being of common occurrence and of easy recognition, still Eczema, the disease for which this remedy has been primarily formulated, has varied forms and manifestations as it affects various individuals. So, though the treatment is in the main the same-the essential thing being to put the cor- rective agents contained in Ru-Bon ih contact with the roots of the trouble. * * * For Eczema * * * for Infantile Eczema * * * for any signs or symp- toms of the Return of Eczema after a cure has once been effected. * * * like acute skin affections. For Poison Oak, Poison Ivy-all parasitic poisons, vegetable or otherwise. * * * For all Itching of the skin. * * * Ru-Bon No. 3 * * * is the Standard Prescription for the more usual and tractable manifestation of Eczema. * * * It should be understood and borne in mind that, in some kinds, characters and conditions of the human skin, eczema appears, persists and, even when overcome and eliminated will, unless prevented, recur. Ru-Bon No. 3 is the Prescription to Check and Prevent Recurrences. * * * Users acclaim No. 3 Ru-J3on a sure preventative of recurrences when elimination by it has once been effected." Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the following, statements, borne on the labels, were false and misleading: (Ru-Bon No. 2, circular) "The Ru-Bon Remedies * * * Discovery and Development * * * The story of the discovery, development and formulations of these remedies affords greatest possible assurance of their virtues. Charles D. Minter, maker and proprietor of the Ru-Bon Remedies * * * was for thirty-five years a constant sufferer from psoriasis. * * * he was advised *' * * ' that the home remedy and cure was from poultices made principally of scrapings of rhubarb roots. Acting upon the hint-aided by the suggestion of a pharmacist that if rhubarb in the raw was a specific, a derivative of the herb should be likewise curative-Mr. Minter caused to be worked out a prescription which, modified and remodifled upon experimentation, in the course of a few weeks, cleared his skin entirely of psoriasis spots. This explains how the remedies got their name-rhubarb or Ru-Bon;"(Ru-Bon No. 3, circular) " The Ru-Bon Remedies Discovery and Development * * * Charles D. Minter * * * was advised by a chance acquaintance that his trouble was known among common folk as English leprosy and that the home remedy and cure was from poultices made princ pally of scrapings of rhubarb roots. Acting upon the hint-aided by the suggestion of a pharmacist that if rhubarb in the raw was a specific, a derivative of the herb should be likewise curative-Mr. Minter caused to be worked out a prescription which, modified and remod'fled upon experimentation, in the course of a few weeks cleared his skin entirely of psoriasis spots. This explans how the remedies got their name-rhubarb or Ru-Bon. * * * It carries in mild but ample strength, renforced by other ingredients, the essential, distinctive component of Ru-Bon-the herb derivative which made contact and produced the results in Mr. Minter's own case." On November 12, 1928, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the Unrted States marshal. ABTHUB M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.