15829.?Adulteration of fig- pulp and fig paste. U. S. v. 600 Cases of Fig- Palp, et al. Default decrees of condemnation and forfeiture.? Product ordered disposed of for other than food purposes, (F. & D. Nos. 22130, 22312. I. S. Nos, 11941-x, 14237-x. S. Nos. 180, 357.) On November 1 and December 19, 1927, respectively, the United States attor?? ney for the Northern District of Ohio, acting upon reports by the Secretary of? Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district? libels praying seizure and condemnation of 600 cases of fig pulp and 650 cases? of fig paste at Cleveland, Ohio, alleging that the article had been shipped by? Guggenhime & Co., Fresno, Calif., in part on or about August 28, 1927, and in? part on or about October 10, 1927, and had been transported from the State? of California into the State of Ohio, and charging adulteration in violation of? the food and drugs act. The article was labeled in part: " Fancy Fig Pulp? (or'Pansy * * * Brand California Fig Pulp' ) * * * Guggenhime and? Company, California." It was alleged in the libels that the article was: adulterated in that it con?? sisted in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid vegetable substance. On April 25 and April 26, 1928, respectively, no claimant having appeared? for the property, judgments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and? it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States? marshal. The decrees were subsequently modified to permit the shipment of? the product to the Rossville Manufacturing Co., Lawrenceburg, Ind'., to be? used other than as a food product. ARTHUR M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.