3 5802. Misbranding of Womanette. 17. S. v. 205 Bottles of Womanette. De?? fault decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. No. 20704. I. S. No. 3930-x. S. No. C-4903.) On December 12, 1925, the United States attorney for the Eastern District? of Louisiana, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the? District Court of the United States for said district a libel praying seizure and? condemnation of 205 bottles of Womanette at New Orleans, La., alleging1 that? the article had been shipped by the Capital Remedy Company, from Jackson,? Miss., on or about April 1, 1925, and transported from the State of Mississippi? into the State of Louisiana, and charging misbranding in violation of the food? and drugs act as amended. Analysis of a sample of the article by this department showed that it con?? sisted essentially of extracts of plant drugs, including sassafras, potassium? bromide, alcohol, sugar, and water. 39421?29??1? 4 (JO 406 F00D A]srD DRUGS ACT [N.J..F.D. It was alleged in the libel that the article was misbranded in that the fol?? lowing statements borne on the labels regarding the curative or therapeutic? effects of the article were false and fraudulent, since it contained no ingredients? or combination of ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed: (Bottle and carton labels) " Womanette * * * A Health, Strength, and? Beauty-Builder * * * Emphatically the Woman's Friend, there being no? condition to which the peculiarities of her sex render her liable in which this? medicine may not be taken with every assurance that it will,prove beneficial.? Its medical properties are * * * Nervine. Its tendency is to * * *? equalize the circulation. These are the grand indications necessary to relieve? engorgements, unlock the secretions, ease pain, quiet nervousness, and cure? disease-. Its tendency to throw the system upon its proper equilibrium is why? it checks a too free or unnatural discharge, or restores it when suppressed? contrary to nature;" (bottle label) "A remedy for the treatment of diseases? peculiar to the female sex, Irregular, Obstructed and Painful Menstruation/? Vaginal and Uterine Leucorrhoea or Whites. Inflammation and Ulceration of? the Neck or Body of the Womb. Inflammation of the Ovaries and Tubes,? Habitual Miscarriage, Prolapsus, Nervousness, etc. * * * The pregnant may? use it as well as the maiden or those having a change of life. Ladies who? have once used it during pregnancy are not again ? willing to be without it.? Besides preventing cramps, pains, fretfulness, etc., the system is so well pre?? pared for the confinement that a case of difficult, tedious, and dangerous labor? has never been known to occur when a few bottles have been used during the? last months of pregnancy. * * * To derive the greatest benefit from its? use, take a dose of proper size * * * For Acute Pain?Pain in the Ovaries?? Menstrual cramp, Headaches, etc., take a close * * * for a few doses until? pain is relieved ;" (carton) "A * * * Treatment for Diseases Peculiar to the? Female Sex * * * It has proven of unsurpassed value in the treatment of? Irregular, Obstructed, and Painful-Menstruation. Vaginal and Uterine Leucor?? rhoea or Whites, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Neck or Body of the? Womb. Inflammation of the Ovaries and Tubes, Habitual Miscarriage, Pro?? lapsus, Nervousness, etc;" (circular) "A Health-Builder for Women and? Girls * * * A * * * Treatment for Diseases Peculiar to the Female? Sex. Emphatically the Woman's Friend, there being no condition to which? the peculiarities of her sex render her liable in which this medicine may? not be taken with every assurance that it will prove beneficial. ' Its medical? properties are * * * Nervine. Its tendency is to * * * equalize the? circulation. These are the grand indications necessary to relieve engorge?? ments, unlock the secretions, ease pain, quiet nervousness, and cure disease.? Its tendency to throw tfee system upon its proper equilibrium is why it checks? a too free or unnatural discharge, or restores it when suppressed contrary to? nature. It has proven of unsurpassed value in the treatment of Irregular,? Obstructed and Painful Menstruation. Vaginal and Uterine Leucorrhoea or? Whites, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Neck or Body of the Womb, In?? flammation of the Ovaries and Tubes, Habitual Miscarriage, Prolapsus, Nerv?? ousness, Etc. * * * Combined with some quick acting sedative, it will? prevent threatened abortion. For ACUTE PAIN, Menstrual Cramp, Neuralgia? of the Womb or Severe Pain in the Ovaries, Headache, Etc. take * * * for? a few doses until pain is relieved, then one dose three times a day until the? trouble has been cured. For SEVERE HEADACHE, we have often seen a? single dose * * * relieve almost immediately. If the headache is from a? nervous trouble, or from overwork, a dissipation, or worry, Womanette will? quickly relieve it. Take a Dose at Bedtime if not accustomed to rest? well. * * * always gave * * * prompt relief, * * * We have seen? it given * * * ' with perfect results to a child ?* * * which had a dis-? chai'ge similar to Leucorrhoea, brought on by a fall. * * * Womanette is? usually, in fact almost always, a quick relief for annoying symptoms of an? acute nature, such as pain, etc. * * * Womanette puts the forces of nature? to work, assisting the natural processes, and being entirely corrective and cura?? tive in its effect, it goes directly to the seat of the trouble. Therefore, it is? sometimes necessary to continue its use, even in acute cases, until the trouble? can be brought under control. It must be remembered that Womanette is often? called upon to handle cases which have lost all hope of getting well and in? which the skill of the best physicians and the best there is in science for the? treatment of disease have failed. Chronic, much run down conditions require? that Womanette must be given with confidence and persistence until the de- 15801-15850] NOTICES OF JUDGMENT 407 sired results are obtained. * * * It is entirely possible for one to half take? Womanette and only get half the benefit from it, or to.take half enough and? only get half well. * * * its greatest worth is shown in the treatment of? those chronic cases inwhieh much more medicine may be required but in which? its action is no less certain * * * everything else having failed?in these? Womanette is a never failing source of wonderment because of its wonderful? successes. When everything else has failed then give Womanette a chance to? prove its worth. Simply persist in its use until permanent results have been? achieved. We have never known a failure when the medicine was continued? long enough. * * * Often the most prominent symptom may be the last? to disappear. Irregularities, Leucorrhoea, Pain, Etc., are only symptoms of? disease, not the disease itself, and only improve as the disease improves.? Chronic inflammation, Swellings, Morbid Growths on Womb or Ovaries, etc.,? sometimes require continued treatment for1 some time, and while you cannot? see the results with your eyes, the healing process is going on all the time you? are taking Womanette. * * * the average amount of medicine required? will run between six and eighteen bottles, * * * Truly cheap enough treat?? ment when the fact is considered that Expert Knowledge of this kind can? ordinarily be had only by consulting a Specialist * * * If in full flesh and? in a state of feverish excitement take Womanette according to directions and? in addition the following may be given to advantage. To one-half glass of? water add 5 to 10 drops of Norwood's Tincture of Veratrum and give one tea-? spoonful of the solution every one to two hours. * ' * * these suggestions? will be found helpful in making the effect of Womanette more quickly perman?? ent. In Leucorrhoea or Whites, Inflammation or Ulceration of the Womb,? Morbid Growths, Prolapsus (Falling of the Womb), Etc., the local application of? Womanette on a soft sponge' or a spledget of cotton to the Mouth of the Womb? will be found highly beneficial. And while Womanette can usually be relied upon? entirely without local treatment, ladies will find this of the greatest assistance? in hastening a cure in these troubles * * * Persistent following of these? directions will relieve you of the necessity of an operation and restore a per?? fectly normal condition of health. * * * Over-exertion * * * should be? avoided until Womanette has been given time to make you strong and? well. * * * It will not work against the natural processes of nature in any? particular. * * * Womanette clears the circulation and vitalizes the forces of? nature * * * If you take it according to directions it will not be many days? before you will feel so much better;" (testimonials) "Grateful Expressions? from Some of Those Who Have used Womanette. * * * I had been suffer?? ing with such terrible headaches until I took Womanette * * * I thought? I was cured for a long time after taking the first bottle, btft I occasionally have? to take it yet. * * * If you do not continue to take it long enough to cure? yourself, go back to it if only to relieve present trouble. Many ladies resort to? it to relieve immediate suffering who do not for reasons best known to them?? selves, take it at other times. * * ' * many cases are reported to us of a? single bottle curing * * * we advise ladies who are in good health to keep? Womanette on hand and cure themselves before they get sick. * * * Don't? get discouraged because the first bottle or two does not make you feel entirely? well. It takes time to cure chronic troubles and if you have let your trouble? run on until it has become chronic or it is of a more serious nature than you? had supposed, just take Womanette according to the directions and be patient.? It is entirely capable of taking care of your trouble * * * For * * *.? a whole year I was under treatment * * * for an awful pain in my side? * *? * I held out against the operation, for I do not believe in so many? operations. Finally Womanette was recommended to me * * * so I com?? menced to take it.' * * * By the time I had taken seven bottles I did not? have any trouble at all apparently, so I quit the medicine. About a year later? I had another attack and took several more bottles. Since that time I have had? no return of the trouble. * * * I can truly thank Womanette for saving me? from the surgeon's knife. * * * I was always in bed one day out of each? month, and after taking six bottles of Womanette I never have a cramp or? pain and can do my house work the same as at any other time * * * I had? spent some time in bed from a badly swollen ovary which made a knot in my side? as large as a goose egg * * * I had only taken four or five bottles before? the pain was all gone and the swelling had entirely left my side. I have never? felt better in my life. Womanette saved * * * me my health * * *? When a woman has been saved the removal of an ovary she has something to 408 FOOD A:N"D DRUGS ACT [N.J..F.D. be proud of for no woman is ever entirely well after these organs have been? xemoved. The removal of both ovaries is always attended by more or less? ?disastrous results. Witness the many cases which so soon find their way into? the insane hospitals, or are the victims of nervous troubles from which their? only relief is found in the narcotics. The patient use of Womanette will? eliminate the necessity for this operation in practically every instance. * * *? Womanette may seem a little slow to you, but the fact that it is certain should? be sufficient reason for continuing its use until the trouble can be cleared? up. * * * I was in such a bad condition before I began taking Womanette? J could hardly be up at all. I had terrible headaches all the time. Twelve? bottles cured me entirely * * * After you think you are well it is best? not to discontinue the medicine too soon. . * * * Two of the leading physi?? cians here told me I had Appendicitis and an operation would be necessary.? One of them told me he was afraid I had kidney trouble and that he rather? feared to undertake the operation. I took nine bottles of Womanette, and have? now no symptoms of either Appendicitis or kidney trouble. * * * Many so-? called cases of Consumption, Appendicitis, and even Pellagra yield promptly to? the alterative and tonic properties of Womanette?not because Womanette is? a cure-all, but because the broken-down depleted conditions of the female con?? stitution so many times so closely resemble the conditions present in these other '? troubles that the symptoms are often mistaken by even skilled physicians. Few? women are ever operated upon if they learn the use of Womanette before?? hand. * * * I had fearful pains each month at my time. The flow at times? was very scant, and I had a terrible complexion for my face was a mass of? bumps and pimples. * * * but nothing cured my pains or my? bumps. * * * I found that Womanette was building up my health so fast? that I kept on taking that until I had taken about eighteen bottles. I gained? in weight from 108 pounds to 135 * * * My complexion was as smooth and? clear as anybody's. .Since that time I have had occasion to use Womanette? * * * once for Neuralgia * * * It has never failed me." Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the declaration of 14? per cent alcohol, borne on the label, was false and misleading, since analysis? showed 9.1 per cent of alcohol. On February 1, 1926, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment? of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court? that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. ARTHUR M. HYDE, Secretary of Agriculture.