1 15473. Adulterat1on of -walnut halves. U. S. v. 135 Cases of "Walnut Halves. ' Consent decree of condemnat1on and forfe1ture. Product released I under bond. (F. & D. No. 22090. I. S. No. 21426-x. S. No. 115.) 1 On October 13, 1927, the Un1ted States attorney for the Southern D1str1ct < of New York, act1ng upon a report by the Secretary of Agr1culture, f1led 1n J the D1str1ct Court of the Un1ted States for sa1d d1str1ct a l1bel pray1ng se1zure t and condemnat1on of 135 cases of walnut halves, rema1n1ng 1n-the or1g1nal ; unbroken packages at New York, N. Y., cons1gned by Anton1o V1lanova, al- leg1ng that the art1cle had been sh1pped from Rens (Reus), Spa1n, 1n part J on or about Apr1l 5, 1927, and 1n part on or about Apr1l 13, 1927, and trans- \ ported from a fore1gn country 1nto the State of New York, and charg1ng ^ adulterat1on 1n v1olat1on of the food and drugs act. t It was alleged 1n the l1bel that the art1cle was adulterated, 1n that 1t con- I s1sted 1n whole or 1n part of a f1lthy, decomposed, and putr1d vegetable sub- k stance, to w1t, wormy, decomposed, and ranc1d nuts. On October 26, 1927, Charles Jacobs & Co., New York, N. Y., cla1mant, hav1ng adm1tted the allegat1ons of the l1bel and hav1ng consented to the entry of a decree, judgment of condemnat1on and forfe1ture was entered, and 1t was ordered by the court that the product be released to the sa1d cla1mant, upon payment of the costs of the proceed1ngs and the execut1on of a bond 1n the sum of $4,000, cond1t1oned 1n part that the good nuts be separated from the bad and the latter destroyed or denatured. W. M. JAKDINE, Secretary of Agr1culture.