16227. Adulteration of shell egrgrs. V. S. v. Austin F. Hockman (Hecla Poultry Farm). Plea of guilty. Fine, 8100. (F. & D. No. 19792. I. S. Noa. 8194-x, 8195-x.) At the October, 1926, term of the United States District Court within and for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, the United States attorney for said dis- trict, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Dis- trict Court aforesaid an information against Austin F. Hockman, trading as the Hecla Poultry Farm, Bellefonte, Pa., alleging shipmenj: by said defendant, in violation of the food and drugs act, in two consignments, on or about April 23 and 24, 1926, respectively, from the State of Pennsylvania into the State of New York, of quantities of shell eggs which were adulterated. It was alleged in the information that the article was adulterated, in that it consisted in part of a filthy, decomposed, and putrid animal substance. On October 6, 1926, the defendant entered a plea of guilty to the information and the court imposed a fine of $100. W. M. JARDINE, Secretary of Agriculture.