14806. Misbranding of Dr. Rider's eucalyptus oil compound. 17. S. v. 6 Cartons, et al., of Dr. Rider's Eucalyptus Oil Compound. Default decrees of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D, Nos. 21195, 21323. I. S. Nos. 620-x, 11080-x. S. Nos. C-3033, C-3036.) On July 27 and October 12, 1926, respectively, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Texas, acting upon reports by the Secretary of Agri- culture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district libels, and on or about September 21, 1926, an amended libel in the former instance, praying seizure and condemnation of 6 cartons, 2 half-cartons, and 128 bottles of Dr. Rider's eucalyptus oil compound, at Fort Worth, Tex., shipped by the Dr. G. H. Rider Co., San Diego, Calif., alleging that the article had been shipped from San Diego, Calif., in part on or about July 8, 1926, and in part on or about September 22, 1926, and transported from the State of California into the State of Texas, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. The article was labeled in part: (Bottle label) " For Rheumatism Neuralgia Headache Backache Toothache Catarrh Colds Coughs Croup Pleurisy Epileptic Fits St. Vitus Dance Nervous Diseases Stomach Liver Bladder Kidneys Deafness Paralysis Appendicitis Asthma Acute Pains * * * Sores Blood Poison Heart Pains All Lung and Bron- chial Troubles Tumors and Abscesses Ovary and All Female Weaknesses, Ir- regular Menses * * * For chronic and organic ailments, rub Oil Com- pound over Kidneys and over any part of body that is affected and where pains are," (carton) "The Great Healing Remedy For Man, Woman or Child * * * the Greatest Healing Oils Known. * * * For All Human Ail- ments * * * Kills Fever, Inflammation, and Poisons in the Body," (cir- cular) " Is The Fountain of Health * * * Kills Congestion, Inflammation and Blood Poison—That is the Secret of Its Success. * * * The Greatest Healing Oil in the World * * * Attacks All Human Ailments * * * It is Rubbed Over Kidneys and Parts Affected. * * * No Operation Neces- sary For Appendicitis, Gall-Stones, Abscesses, or Ovaries Removed if Eucalyptus Oil Compound is Faithfully used. A Woman's Friend * * * the greatest remedy for all female complaints and weaknesses. If You Are a Woman and affected with womb and ovary diseases, don't submit to an operation and the deadly knife, as it means certain death in a great number of cases; for Dr. Rider's Eucalyptus Oil Compound will surely save you from the knife and costly operation. * * * kills congestion, inflammation and blood poison quicker than any other remedy or method. * * * is a doctor in your home. ' Johnny on the Spot' in every emergency. * * * saves the children's and babies' lives. * * * Rheumatism * * * Stomach Trouble—Indigestion * * * For Pains, Cramps, Gas on Stomach, Acute Pains in stomach or Bowels * * * For all Female Weaknesses—Ovarian and womb trouble * * * Bladder Weakness—Inflammation and Catarrh of Bladder * * * Liver—For a torpid and sluggish liver, gall-stones, or hardening of the liver * * * Heart Diseases and Pains * * * Constipation * * * Catarrh of Head * * * Kidney Disease and Back Pains * * * Neu- ralgia and Headache * * * Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Blotches, Eczema, Cuts, Fever Sores and Ulcers * * * Throat Trouble, Diphtheria, croup, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat * * * Diphtheria and Croup * * * Child Bed Wetting * * * Coughs and Colds * * * Asthma * * * Pleurisy * * * Paralysis * * * Appendicitis * * * St. Vitus Dance and Epileptic Fits * * * Irregular Menses * * * Injuries and Sprains * * * For Blood Poison * * * Infantile Paralysis or Spinal Meningitis * * * Pneumonia * * * it kills pain, inflammation, conges- tion and blood poison in quicker time than any other known remedy in the world * * * Acute pains and inflammation * * * the most remarkable and all around remedy on earth * * * ' the foundation of disease is con- gestion,'" (testimonials in circular) "My daughter highly praises it, as it has cured her of womb and ovary trouble after being afflicted five years * * * it cured a sore eight years old ; I thought I had cancer but it healed up * * * we want it for a lady who has rheumatism—the doctor has given her up * * * Have suffered a long time with gall-stones * * * I have im- proved wonderfully. It has saved me from the operating table and my life * * * is the greatest remedy on earth, * * * was in a dying con- dition with abscess of the kidneys * * * it saved his life * * * good for so many diseases, and especially appendicitis," (similar statements in Spanish). Analysis by the Bureau of Chemistry of this department of a sample of the article showed that it was essentially a petroleum oil flavored with sassafras. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the libels for the reason that it contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the results claimed in the representations above set out. Misbranding was alleged for the further reason that the name of the product " Dr. Rider's Eucalyptus Oil Compound," was misleading, in that no eucalyptus oil was contained in the said product. On November 24 and December 17, 1926, respectively, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. W. M. JARDINE, Secretary of Agriculture.