14724. Misbranding? of Dr. McMichael's Allgland -with radium. U. S. v. 16 Dozen Boxes of Dr. McMichael's Allgland With. Radium. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture, and destruction. (F. & D. No 21164. I. S. No. 10564-x. S. No. W-1994.) On July 13, 1926, the United Stated Attorney for the Northern District of California, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district a libel praying seizure and condemnation of 16 dozen boxes of Dr. McMichael's Allgland with radium, remaining in the original unbroken packages at San Francisco, Calif., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Carnotite Gland Extract Co., from Denver, Colo., August 30, 1924, and transported from the State of Colorado into the State of California, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis by the Bureau of Chemistry of this department of a sample of the article showed that the tablets contained 91 per cent of milk sugar, together with talc, a trace of nitrogenous organic matter, and a faint trace of radium. Misbranding of the article was alleged in substance in the libel for the rea- son that the following statements borne on the box label and in the accom- panying booklet: (Box label) "Allgland * * * The Great Body Builder1 Makes Tou Feel Younger * * * A Gland And Body Food Eliminating, Pre- venting And Correcting All Diseases Caused By Over Work, Nervous Or Run- down Conditions Makes You A Healthy Man, Woman, Or Child," (booklet) "in all weakened or rundown condition of the Human Glands, Muscles and Nerves * * * Now we are sure of the results in the relief or prevention of most all diseases. * * * stimulates the nerves, muscles and glands. * * * gives * * * relief to all mankind, makes you Stronger, More Vigorous, More Peppy * * * They sure make stronger men and women. If You Are A Man and lack the Vigor, Energy and Push you should have; if you feel older than you should; if suffering from any after effects of any disease-flu, pneumonia, over- work or nervous breakdown-you will find relief in our Allgland Tablets: * * * As a rejuvenator for man or woman * * * If You Are A Woman you may suffer from some of the ills peculiar to your sex, such as weakness, irregularities, despondency or lack of energy. If so you will find Allgland Tablets the true remedy for any female trouble. Also Fibroid Tumors, Inflam- mations, Enlargement of the Neck, Irregular Monthlies, Hot Flashes, feeling as though you would blow up, urinating too often, and, in fact, any and all diseases coming on at any time of life, old or young. Take one tablet every three hours until a feeling of relief, which is from two to four days, then a tablet three times a day kept up for a long time. Where there is or might develop a cancerous condition, write the medical director. Most women as they enter the fortieth year of age commence a change of gland action. This stopping of the action of some glands causes nature to start up more action in some other glands. Nature sometimes does not do this, for the reason that the right gland food is not supplied, or if supplied, is not in a form to be taken into the system, or from this same cause, may overwork some other gland, thereby creating a greater unbalance, so that nervous diseases and others start. There will be hot flashes, nervousness or neurosis of all nerves. The mind gets weak but excitable. Fibroid tumors, etc., may start. If these patients will take Allgland steadily for a few years they will pass through this time of life without trouble. They will prevent as well as relieve all such troubles. If You have a daughter or son who is troubled with Pimples On The Face they will get relief by taking Allgland Tablets. * * * The cause of this trouble is a Glandular Unbalance, showing that they are not developing '^?JPPM a as they should. The correcting of this trouble by Nature's Remedy, Allgland * Tablets does more good and prevents other troubles in later years. Lack of ; Development in Children * * * A child that overgrows shows that the alandular system is unbalanced just as much as an undergrowth does, and the same treatment applies to both. If you are all run-down and worn out, take two tablets before meals and at bedtime. They will make you a stronger man or woman and will make you feel younger. * * * As soon as you notice relief * * * Being a food to the body, nerves, blood and glands, it corrects diseases It prevents diseases or it gives relief in all diseased conditions. It has proved very successful in Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Hardened Blood Ves- sels High Blood Pressure, getting old too soon, all Rundown Conditions from diseases or overwork or worry, Hot Flashes or any Female Trouble. The best thing for Goitre in young women, a real developer of children both in body and brain and a real rejuvenator. They make you a healthy, real man, woman and child If anything ails you take them, they will do no harm," were false and fraudulent, since the said article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the curative and therapeutic effects claimed. On November 5, 1926, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. W. M. JARDINE, Secretary of Agriculture.