13855. Adulteration of orangres. V. S. v. 462 Boxes of Orangres. Product released under bond to be sorted. (P. & D. No. 19925. I. S. No. 9837-v. S, No. W-1687.) On March 27, 1925, the United States attorney for the District of Utah, act- ing upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the United States for said district a libel praying the seizure and condemna- tion of 462 boxes of oranges, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Ogden, Utah, alleging that the article had been shipped by F. H. Speich & Co., from Casa Blanca, Calif., on or about March 9, 1925, and transported from the State of California into the State of Utah, and charging adulteration in viola- tion of the food and drugs act. The article was labeled in part: " Washington Navels Request Brand * * * F. H. Speich and Company Riverside, Cali- fornia." Adulteration of the article was alleged in the libel for the reason that an inedible product and substance had been substituted wholly or in part for the said article. . . On May 4, 1925, the Ogden Commission Co., Ogden, Utah, claimant, having paid the costs of the proceedings and executed a bond in the sum of $1,500, and the product having been sorted under the supervision of this department, a decree of the court was entered, ordering that the good portion be released to the said claimant. C. F. MAKVIN, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.