12500. Adulteration and misbranding of Fam-Ly-Ade. U. S. v. SOO Cartons- of Fam-Ly-Ade. Default decree ordering destruction of product. (P. & D. No. 10762. I. S. No. 2187-r. S. No. W-439.) On July 18, 1919, the United States attorney for the Southern District of California, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the*- District Court of the United States for said district a libel and on April 16, 1923, an amendment to the said libel, praying the seizure and condemnation of 300 cartons, each containing 12 individual cartons of Fam-Ly-Ade, remaining in the original unbroken packages at Los Angeles, Calif., alleging that the article had been shipped by the Fruit Valley Corp. from Rochester, N. Y., on or about May 22, 1919, and transported from the State of New York into the State of California, and charging adulteration and misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act. The article was labeled in part: (Large carton) "One tube of Fam-Ly-Ade makes one quart of orange syrup," (individual carton) "Fam-Ly-Ade;" (leaflet in individual carton) "Not a single drop is wasted of all this luscious orange-ade * * * all day long you mix this •delicious orange drink * * * Fruit Valley Corporation * * * Fam-Ly- Ada" Both the large carton and the individual carton contained pictures of oranges. The large cartons were contained in certain shipping cases, each of which cases contained certain pennant-shaped posters bearing a design of oranges. It was alleged in substance in the libel as amended that the article, which consisted of two separate compounds, was adulterated in that one of the said compounds was a product mixed with a 50 per cent solution of tartaric acid and artificially colored, and the other compound was a mixture of orange [oil] and vegetable gum and artificially colored in a manner whereby inferiority was -concealed. Misbranding was alleged for the reason that the statement, design, and device, "Fam-Ly-Ade," together with pictures of oranges appearing on the individual cartons and the statement, " One tube of Fam-Ly-Ade makes one quart of orange syrup," together with pictures of oranges, appearing on the large cartons, were false and misleading and deceived and misled the pur- chaser into the belief that the article was made from orange juice. On July 24, 1924, a claim for the property theretofore entered having been •withdrawn, judgment of the court was entered, ordering the destruction of •the product by the United States marshal. HOWARD M. GOEE, Secretary of Agriculture.