12366. Misbranding of Thomas' emmenagogue pills, Arthur's emmena- g-ogue pills, Leslie's emmenasogne pills, Bick's Sextone pills, Arthur's Sextone tablets, Bfek's Daisy 99, Bick's nerve tonic, and La Derma Veg-iseptie discs. TJ. S. v. 5 Boxes of Thomas' Emmena- g-ogrue Pills, et al. Default decree ordering- destruction of prod- ucts. *F. & D. No. 15319. S. Nos. C-3152, C-3153, 0-3154, C-3155, C-3156, C-3157.) On August 19, 1921, the United States attorney for the Northern District of Texas, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Dis- trict Court of the United States for said district a libel praying the seizure and condemnation of 5 boxes of Thomas' emmenagogue pills, 6 boxes of Ar- thur's emmenagogue pills, 5 boxes of Leslie's emmenagogue pills, 1 box of Bick's Sextone pills, 24 boxes of Arthur's Sextone tablets, 5 boxes of Bick's Daisy 99, 11 boxes of Bick's nerve tonic, and 11 boxes of La Derma Vagiseptic discs, at Canyon, Texas, alleging that the articles had been shipped by the Pal- estine Drug Co., from St. Louis, Mo., in part August 29, 1918, and in part Au- gust 21, 1919, and transported from the State of Missouri into the State of Texas, and charging misbranding in violation of the food and drugs act as amended. Analysis of samples of the articles by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de- partment showed that Thomas' emmenagogue pills, Arthur's emmenagogue pills, and Leslie's emmenagogue pills contained iron sulphate, aloes, and extract of plant drugs, coated with sugar and calcium carbonate, colored pink; that Bick's Sextone pills consisted of two products-chocolate-colored pills containing a small amount of extract of plant drugs, 50 per cent of sugar, 25 per cent of calcium carbonate, 7 per cent of iron oxid, and 7 per cent of powdered talc, and orange-colored tablets containing 31 per cent of metallic iron, 11 per cent of calcium carbonate, extract of nux vomica, and sugar; that Arthur's Sextone tablets contained iron oxid, calcium carbonate, a compound of zinc, and extract of plant drugs, coated with sugar; that Bick's Daisy 99 consisted of tablets containing iron sulphate, methylene blue, and material derived from plants in- cluding cubebs, copaiba, santalwood, and starch, coated with sugar and cal- cium carbonate; that Bick's nerve tonic consisted of two products-brown tab- lets containing phosphorus and compounds of zinc and iron, coated with sugar and calcium carbonate, and yellow pellets containing compounds of iron, strychnine, and phosphorus, coated with sugar and calcium carbonate; and that La Derma Vagiseptic discs contained salt, alum, starch, milk sugar, and talc. Misbranding of the articles was alleged in substance in the libel for the reason that the following statements appearing in the labeling, ("Thomas'," "Arthur's," and "Leslie's," emmenagogue pills, box) "Emmenagogue Pills re- commended for Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea and other Menstrual Troubles. Beginning treatment before the regular monthly period, continue treatment un- til relief is obtained," (Bick's Sextone pills, box) " Sextone Pills * * * Composed * * * of * * * Aphrodisiac Agencies," (Arthur's Sextone tablets, wrapper) "Designed to correct. * * * the Evil Results Following Sexual or Alcoholic Excesses, Overwork, Worry, Etc. * * * Sextone Tablets For Either Sex Composed * * * of the Most Potent and Dependable Aphrodisiac Agencies," (circular) "Sextone Tablets * * * cases of ex- haustion of nervous energy * * * stimulate * * * the Sexual Plexes * * * nourish the nervous system and build it up," (Bick's Daisy 99, wrap- 15062-24 2 per) "Gonorrhea * * * and: functional ailments.of the Kidneys and Blad- der in both Male and Female," (Bick's nerve tonic, wrapper) *' Nerve Tonic * * * for Nervous Prostration and bodily aches and pains * * * a nerve * * * tonic * * * for all female complaints * * * for Weakness, Nervousness, Headache, Kidney trouble and loss of Power in either gex * * * j=or femaie weakness, heart trouble and where a general break- down of the nervous system exists," (LaDerma Vagiseptic discs, wrapper) "for * * * Amenorrhea and other Uterine and Vaginal Disorders," (circu- lar) " For * * * Amenorrhea * * * Ulceration of the Uterus and Ca- tarrh of the Uterus * * * Gonorrhea," were false and fraudulent in that the articles contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the said therapeutic effects. On November 2, 1922, no claimant having appeared for the property, judg- ment was entered, finding that the product should be condemned, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. HOWARD M. GOBE, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.