11G35. Adulteration and misbranding? of frozen eggrs. U. S. v. 59 Cans, et? al., of Frozen Bgss. Default decree of condemnation, forfeiture,? and destruction. (F. & D. No. 17184. I. S. No. 261-v. S. No. E-4285.) On January 19, 1923, the United States attorney for the District of New? Jersey, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the Dis?? trict Court of the United States for said district a libel praying the seizure? and condemnation of 59 30-pound cans, 6 60-pound cans, 13 50-pound cans, and? 102 35-pound cans of frozen eggs at Jersey City, N. J., alleging that the article? had been shipped by the Eastern States Refrigerating Co., Montclair, Md., on or? about December 8, 1922, and transported from the State of Maryland into the? State of New Jersey, and charg'ng adulteration and misbranding in violation? of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended. Adulteration of the article was alleged in the libel for the reason that it? consisted in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, and putrid an:mal sub?? stance. Misbranding was alleged for the reason that the article was food in package? form, and the quantity of the contents was not plainly and conspicuously? marked on the outside of the package. On June 21, 1923, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment? of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court? that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal. HOWARD M. GOJRE, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.