11539.?Adulteration of shell egrgrs. TJ. S. v. 10 Cases, 17 Cases, and 365 Cases of Shell Eg-grs. Default decreet* of condemnation arid for?? feiture entered with respect to a portion of the product. Con?? sent decree of condemnation and forfeiture entered with re?? spect to the remainder. Product ordered destroyed. (F. & D.? Nos. 17054, 17055, 17056. I. S. Nos. 74-v, 75-v, 251-v. S. No. E-4246 > On December 22, 1922, the United States attorney for the Southern Dis?? trict of New York, acting upon re]x>rts by the Secretary of Agriculture, hied? in the District Court of the United States for said district libels praying the? seizure and condemnation of 392 cases of shell eggs, at New York, N. Y.,? alleging that the article had been shipped by the Bell-Jones Co., Davenport,? Iowa, November 17, 1922, and transported from the State of Iowa into the? State of New York, and charging adulteration in violation of the Food and? JDrugs Act. The article was labeled in part: (Case) "Bell Jones Co. Cold? Storage Reed. May 6-22." Adulteration of the article was alleged in the libels for the reason that? ammonia had been mixed and packed with and substituted in whole or in? part for the said article. On March 13, 1923, the Bell-Jones Co., Davenport, Iowa, having appeared as? claimant for 365 cases of the product and having consented to the entry of a? decree, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was? ordered by the court that the said 365 cases of the product be destroyed by? the United States marshal and that the said claimant pay the costs of the? proceedings. On May 16, 1923, no claimant having appeared for the remainder? of the product, judgments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and? it was ordered by the court that the said product be destroyed by the United? States marshal. HOWARD M. GORK, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.