11502. Misbranding of OculuJn oil. U. S. v. 11 Bottles and 5 Bottles of ,Oftul,11.111 OJI. Default .dee,ree o,f con.deiQl.;n.a.tio:p, to~f.f?JU;:μ:n~, nd aestr1,1cjio;n., (F. !& D. No. 14.639. I. S. No. 8704-t. S. No. E-31.86.) On or abou_t May 6, ';t92l, the United States attorney tor the Soijthern District of West Virgini&, t.1.c.ting up.on a report by the Secretary of Ag,ricultlilre, filed in the DJ.strict Court of the Uoiterrns In Animal~ Remert~· Arni Preventive For Hog Cholera * * ,;- \Vlleu Animal Is Sick * ~- .~ 'l'reble the dose; " ( citcular) " 'l'o relieve sick nnimals * * * Siek hogs, sick sheep and other animals, llaYe been quicklr relieved by 'Oculum' Oil. * * * Sick Hogs and Sick Srrnep have been Quickly Relieved by its MaJ~ic Power; Sick Horses and Sick Caitle have Jw('n macle well again by its use. * * * It kills germs * * * in the organs of animals. * * * ' Oculum Oil' keeps hogs healthy * * * During the Spring of 1915 I lost 34 out of 4f1 shoats with what our County Demonstrator pronounced Cholera. In May I got ' Oculum Oil ' and treated two that were real sick with it; I inoculated them twice; they got well ·within oue week. I then fed all the surviving 11 'Oculum Oil' in the slop, and they have never been sick a day $:ince. In June they rooted up one of the dead hogs and had eaten it partly up, when I discovered them. I fed tllem more 'Oculum Oil,' and not one got sick * * * it will cure any case of pneumonia in hogs when taken in reasonable time. * * * had a sick hog and gave 'Oculum Oil' with good results. * * * hogs * * * cholera developed. vVe have saved three out of five by use of ' Oculum Oil.' * * * had some hogs to get sick; one died before he got 'Oculnm Oil' from me; he saved the others." Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this department showed that it consisted essentially of turpentine oil with a small quantity of amber oil and an orange-colored dye. Misbranding of the article was alleged in the libel for the reason that the above-quoted statements regarding the curative and therapeutic effect of the said article were false and fraudulent since the article contained no ingredient or combination of ingredients capable of producing the curative and therapeutic effects claimed. On April 27, 1923, no claimant having appeared for the property, judgment of condemnation and forfeiture was entered, and it was ordered by the court that the product be destroyed by the United States marshal.