11172.?Misbranding of Allan's compound extract of damiana, Bayne'l com? pound extract of damiana, Vitalo, Parrott sexual pills, and Vitalo? nerve and mnscle tonic. Default decrees of condemnation, for-? feitnre, and destruction. (F. & D. Nos. 15609, 15610, 15611, 15736,? 16063, 16064, 16065, 16066. S. Nos. C-3375, C-3306, C-3307, C-3308, C-3433,? C--3434, C-3435, C-3436.) On or about November 26, 1921, January 1 and February 4, 1922, respectively,? the United States attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, acting upon? reports by the Secretary of Agriculture, filed in the District Court of the? United States for said district libels praying the seizure and condemnation of? 42 bottles of Allan's compound extract of damiana, 27 bottles of Bayne's com?? pound extract of damiana, 48 bottles of Vitalo, 46 bottles of Vitalo nerve and? muscle tonic, and 9 boxes of Parrott sexual pills, remaining unsold in the? original unbroken packages in various lots, namely, at Mobile, JBrewton, and? Selma, Ala., alleging that the articles had been shipped by the Allan-Pfeiffer? Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo., between the dates of April 15, 1920, and October? 24, 1921, and transported from the State of Missouri into the State of Alabama,? and charging misbranding in violation of the Food and Drugs Act, as amended.? A portion of the Allan's compound extract of damiana was labeled in part:? (Bottle and carton) "A Tonic For Both Sexes;" (carton) "Nerve and Brain? Remedy * * * for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Prostration *?* * General Weakness * * * In Nervous Debility." The remainder of? the Allan's compound extract of damiana and the Bayne's compound extract of? damiana were labeled in part: (Bottle) "Tonic For Both Sexes;" (carton) N.J. 11151-11200.] SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 97 ?* * * Aphrodisiac * * * For General Weakness * * * Nervous? Debility." The Vitalo was labeled in part: (Bottle and carton, large and small? sizes) "Aphrodisiac;" (carton, small size) " * * ?* An Aid In Relieving? General Weakness." The Vitalo nerve and muscle tonic was labeled in part:? (Carton) "For General Weakness * * * Nervous Debility * * * for? the Brain and Muscles." The Parrott sexual pills were labeled in part: (Box? and circular) " Sexual Pills * * * Recommended For Hysteria, Dizziness,.? Nervous Prostration, Nervous Debility and General Weakness." Analyses of samples of the articles by the Bureau of Chemistry of this de?? partment showed that Allan's and Bayne's compound extracts of damiana con?? sisted of extracts of plant drugs, including nux vomica, sugar, alcohol, and? water; that the Parrott sexual pills contained strychnine and a compound of? iron and phosphorus, coated with calcium carbonate; and that Vitalo and the? Vitalo nerve and muscle tonic consisted of extracts of plant drugs, including? damiana and nux vomica, sugar, alcohol, and water. Misbranding was alleged in substance in the libels with respect to the articles? involved in all of the consignments for the reason that the above-quoted state?? ments regarding the curative and therapeutic effects thereof were false and? fraudulent since the said articles contained no ingredients or combinations of? ingredients capable of producing the effects claimed. Misbranding was alleged? with respect to the so-called Vitalo, Vitalo nerve and muscle tonic, and a por?? tion of the Allan's compound extract of damiana for the further reason that? the labels of the said articles failed to bear statements of the quantity or pro?? portion of alcohol contained therein. On March 31, May 20, and October 20, 1922, no claimant having appeared? for the property, judgments of condemnation and forfeiture were entered, and? it was ordered by the court that the products be destroyed by the United? States marshal. C. W. PUGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.