10946.?Adulteration of alfalfa meal. TJ. S. v. William H. North and John North (North Bros.). Fleas of guilty. Fine, ?25 and costs. (F. & D. No. 1584,8. I. S. No. 11647-r.) On March 12, 1922, the United States attorney for the Western District of? Missouri, acting upon a report by the Secretary of Agriculture, fifed in the? District Court of the United States for said district an information against? William H. North and John North, a copartnership, trading as North Bros.,? Kansas City, Mo., alleging shipment by said defendants, in violation of the 522 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. [Supplement 149, Food and Drugs Act, on or about June 7, 1920, from the State of Missouri into? the State of Tennessee, of a quantity of unlabeled alfalfa meal which was? adulterated. Analysis of a sample of the article by the Bureau of Chemistry of this? department showed that it was low in protein for straight alfalfa meal. Exami?? nation by said bureau showed that it contained foreign tissues, probably from? grasses or hay. Adulteration of the article was alleged in the information for the reason? that a substance, to wit, ground prairie hay, had been mixed and packed there?? with so as to reduce and lower and injuriously affect its quality and strength? and had been substituted in part for unthreshed ground alfalfa hay, to wit,? alfalfa meal, which the said article purported to be. Adulteration was alleged? for the further reason that a substance, to wit, ground prairie hay, had been? mixed with the article in a manner whereby its damage and inferiority to? alfalfa meal was concealed. On May 27, 1922, the defendants entered pleas of guilty to the information,? and the court imposed a fine of $25 and costs. G. W. PTJGSLEY, Acting Secretary of Agriculture.